Sustainable fashion. Sabrina Pignedoli, EU: «We need a collective commitment». We'll talk about it on 11/27 at 5pm in Bologna

In July 2023, the European Parliament set out its position for future negotiations with European Union governments regarding new legislation that aims to make products in the EU more sustainable.
The intent is to establish sustainability requirements in upcoming measures relating to much of the design and production of goods.
Among the products affected by this provision, the entire textile sector plays a very important role.
The goal is clear: to make fashion sustainable, allowing consumers to save energy, simplify repairs and make more eco-friendly choices.
An imposing challenge, which promises to have a significant impact not only on consumer habits, but also on those of producers.
We talked about it with MEP Sabrina Pignedoli of the 5 Star Movement, from Emilia and member of JURI, the commission that undertakes initiatives in the field of companies' due diligence obligations, the communication of non-financial corporate information and liability in the event of damage environmental.
Sabrina Pignedoli will be the protagonist with a speech at the event organized by Money and the European Parliament on 27 November at 5pm in Centergross Bologna.
Honorable Pignedoli: is fashion and sustainability a possible concept? Isn't it a contradiction in terms, where fashion claims to be fleeting and change consumer habits? “More than a contradiction, it is a challenge, which several companies are already taking up.
It will be necessary to harmonize the needs of the annual collections with a long-term vision regarding the materials and their possible reuse".
What is meant by sustainability in this sector? “Sustainability means saving energy and water, reducing waste and reusing it, choosing materials, cutting pollutants”.
Where do we need to intervene? “I think the EU legislation offers a broad framework of interventions.
Obviously it will take some time, but it is the right path." Is there anything that needs to be corrected? “We need to act gradually, corrections will be made as the work progresses.” What steps need to be taken and by whom? “I would say that it is a collective action by all parties, starting with consumers, whose choices can make a difference”.
Can we act on a global level or is it still an "individual" choice? “I think that global action is required today, but obviously globality is made up of individuals”.
read also Sustainable fashion? It's not a chimera.
Antonio Franceschini, Federmoda: “Enough fast fashion, better quality” Do institutions have a role and what is it? “On the one hand they create and adapt the regulation, on the other they must provide the tools, including economic ones, to be able to implement it”.
Recycling vs reusing: what weight do they have? What could be more useful? What is more plausible? “In a circular economy logic, reuse always comes before recycling, where possible.
As we have already seen, new technologies play a key role in recycling." Sustainability has a price: who pays it? And who should pay for it, if the answer is different? “It has a price in the short term, while in the future it is a gain for everyone, in environmental and health terms.
So we need to proceed gradually, supporting this transition, so that it is lasting and convenient." Can sustainability become a socially discriminating factor? “The risk is there, because sustainability has a cost.
And we must also prevent the burden of sustainability from falling elsewhere, for example in other parts of the world.
Sustainability also has long-term benefits and this can be a brake in some companies with less capital."


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