Electric cars from 2035, the EU's choice does not convince everyone. The Hon. Elena Lizzi: “Italy is not ready”

Europe has chosen: from 2035 the Old Continent will turn clearly towards electric mobility.
Yet this decision does not convince everyone, especially some countries – including Italy – which have expressed more than one hesitation on the subject.
The comparison that contrasts the position of the Bel Paese with Europe on the sale of only electric cars starting from 2035 is not a political question, but is based on concrete elements which perhaps – according to some deputies – have not been treated with the due attention.
The honorable Elena Lizzi, among the guests of the conference organized by Money.it and the European Parliament in Trieste on 1 December, represents very well the perplexities and doubts surrounding the line taken by Europe.
The MEP is a substitute member of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee of the European Parliament, which has personally followed as shadow rapporteur files such as Horizon Europe 2021-27, methane emissions, the CBAM and the Path to the Digital Decade, adopted during this mandate, as well as being involved in the file on the net zero emissions industry (NZIA) legislation.
We met her on the sidelines of the Friulian round table: here's what she told us.
Honorable Lizzi, what do you approve and what do you not approve of the measure approved by the EU on electric mobility from 2035? “I share the desire to reduce CO2 emissions for our planet, we owe it to current and future generations.
At the same time, however, we must consider how the green transition is fair and balanced.
Above all, we need to reflect on the timing of application and the needs of the sector and its workers.
As a League we have always opposed a forced green ideology, carried out primarily by former European Commissioner Frans Timmermans, who with the Fit for 55 plan envisages a transition to purely electric mobility from 2035.
I would like to underline that we are talking about rules for the whole world, but about European laws, which will affect the automotive sector and the entire connected production chain, which is very important in our country.
We are in favor of reducing emissions, but let's also remember our global competitors who do not have such stringent regulations, and who are the most responsible for CO2 emissions in the world, I am thinking of China, India and the United States".
read also The difficult challenge of electric diesel and petrol.
Riccardo Gobbato, Bliz Auto: “But those who know it fall in love” Let's look at the numbers: the EU average of electric cars in the fleet in circulation is 15% The Italian one does not reach 4%.
This, despite 70% of Italian motorists declaring they want to buy electric.
In your opinion, what does this discrepancy depend on? “The transition certainly cannot happen overnight.
It's true that there are European countries where the transition to electric is further along, but we need the right infrastructure, incentives and perhaps even a change of mentality.
Cost remains an obstacle for many, as does the difficulty of traveling long distances, or finding fast charging stations.
It is clear that today our country is not equipped for a sudden transition to electric power alone, we must also think about alternatives, I am thinking of hybrid cars, the development of hydrogen, methane, the use of biofuels.
Many regions already provide incentives for the purchase of electric cars, but as I said, perhaps the Italian population is not yet ready.
I'm talking about the middle class or low-income people.
To date, it is not a cost that all families can afford.
Many citizens still have doubts, I think about the disposal of batteries or the European dependence on third countries for rare raw materials".
The fact is that Europe has chosen electric to reduce emissions from new cars and vans by 100% by 2035.
Do you think it is a binding choice? In your opinion, can there be an alternative to electric? “The path seems clear, but as I said, other non-European countries need to do their part.
As the League we have asked to have a tradition with more deferred times and to also consider other types of clean fuels in addition to electric.
There are alternatives and for a transition phase they must be considered.
We need a gradual transition and considering the starting situation of the various countries." In Italy, 50% of ownership changes concern used cars that are more than 10 years old.
Translated into simple words: we change a very old car to get an old one.
Used cars in Italy are no longer scrapped: why does this happen? “Among the various reasons why people buy a used car there is certainly the lower cost of the vehicle compared to buying a new one.
In a historical period marked by great crises, from the economic one, to wars, to the increase in the cost of energy and raw materials, many people prefer to economise.
In an era of uncertainty, we don't really know if the electric car will be able to give us the answers we expect, we don't have a history of the durability of the vehicle or for example of the battery; there is still no adequate infrastructure for a transition to full-electric”.
Final joke: will the European provision set for 2035 remain unchanged or will something be changed? “The League has been denouncing a system that doesn't work for years.
In addition to the transition, we must also think about the needs of businesses and workers, about retraining and re-employment for those who will lose their jobs, as is already happening in some Italian situations.
The European elections are approaching and we believe that next year, if the citizens want it, a new centre-right European majority will be possible.
I therefore believe that with the will of the voters this law can also be modified and improved."


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