Speciale Financial Times

Wealth Managers’ Strategies for Navigating the Gold Rally

Gold Prices Hit Record Highs Amid Geopolitical Tensions

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have pledged to work together against the United States, which they have defined as “destructive and hostile.” Few commodities have been as affected by their policies as gold.

Just days after their statement, the price of the precious metal soared to a record level of $2,450 per ounce, marking a 25% increase since October 5th, just before the conflict erupted in the Middle East.
This rally is supported by the fracture of the global monetary system, as nations like Russia and China seek to lessen their reliance on the US dollar.

Factors Driving the Surge

Chris Forgan, multi-asset portfolio manager at Fidelity, has reduced the allocation to gold in his portfolio from 6 to 3% to capitalize on the recent price surge.
One puzzling aspect of the recent gold rally is its disconnect from two variables usually closely linked: the US dollar and US Treasury yields adjusted for inflation.

Central banks have been increasing their gold reserves at an unprecedented pace since early 2022 to enhance their resilience against Western sanctions that could use the dominance of the US dollar in global trade as a weapon.

Global Gold Purchases and Market Trends

According to the World Gold Council, institutions led by China made the largest gold purchases ever at the beginning of the year, acquiring 290 tons of the metal in the first three months.
The West’s move to freeze about half of Russia’s $600 billion reserves, denominated in US dollars and euros, following Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, was the main catalyst for the buying spree.

In addition, there has been increased demand for gold from Chinese consumers as real estate and local stock markets disappoint, alongside persistent concerns about inflation and high global debt levels, all of which have pushed up the price of the precious metal.

Futures and Economic Indicators

Gold ETFs, typically used by Western investors, continued to experience net outflows in the first quarter of 2024, indicating that the epicenter of the rally lies in the Far East.
However, as gold rises, opposing macroeconomic headwinds such as a stronger dollar and higher real interest rates are likely to limit further upward movement.

Some analysts believe that under current conditions, gold remains a vital tool for wealth preservation, especially amid increasing global risks and uncertainties in the geopolitical and fiat monetary systems.

Despite differing opinions on the role of gold in wealth preservation, its value as a portfolio diversifier and hedge against monetary and geopolitical instability is widely recognized, making it a favored asset in times of economic uncertainty.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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