The James Webb telescope reveals a serious mistake made by man

Discovering the universe, its origins and its functioning is one of the most important challenges that scientists try to carry out every day.
In the world of astronomy, however, you never stop learning because things are often not as they seem.
There is a fact that is sending astrologers into crisis and it concerns the expansion rate of the universe.
What was calculated by the Hubble telescope and then confirmed by the more sophisticated James Webb is different from what astrologers expected.
According to Hubble, it is possible to deduce an age of the cosmos equal to 13.8 billion years.
This is an age that does not correspond to predictions based on observations from ESA's Planck probe.
Astrologers expected different data from the new James Webb telescope and instead surprisingly established that the rate is correct.
The study was published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The method by which Hubble determined the expansion rate of the universe is called cosmic distance scaling and is based on two methods.
The first method is based on the brightness of Cepheids.
These stars are dying, and their outer layers of helium gas grow and shrink as they absorb and release the star's radiation, causing them to blink intermittently, as if they were a lamp.
The brighter the stars, the slower they pulsate.
The other method tries to examine small variations in the cosmic microwave background.
This data allowed us to establish that our universe expands at 73 kilometers per second per megaparsec, a speed known as the Hubble Constant.
However, what Hubble measured did not convince astrologers.
And instead the new James Webb telescope has confirmed: the data established by Hubble are correct.
Hubble data is correct "We have analyzed everything that Hubble has observed and can exclude with very high confidence a measurement error as the cause of the Hubble voltage.
We find that Hubble's measurements remain reliable," said physicist Adam Riess of Johns Hopkins University who carried out the study.
These results cause confusion in the academic world and show how much further there is still to go towards a correct understanding of the Universe around us.
An aquatic planet discovered But the James Webb telescope is also making other very important discoveries.
New observations from the groundbreaking telescope have revealed an exoplanet covered in a deep ocean of boiling water.
The planet is called TOI-270.
Observations of the planet have revealed water vapor and chemical traces of methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The water could exceed 100°C during the day, but the night side could host habitable conditions.
It is known where there is liquid water, the possibility that there may be ideal conditions for the birth of life forms cannot be ruled out.
Experts said that "it is not clear whether it is habitable" but it is certainly a sensational discovery made by the NASA telescope.
read also What we know about signals from space that could be of alien origin


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