Stock up on food and water before the eclipse. The EMA alarm

On April 8, 2024 in North America there will be a huge special event that hasn't happened for years: the total solar eclipse.
An event in which the Sun will be totally covered by the Moon which will position itself in the same cone of shadow causing darkness on the Earth.
It will be an eclipse awaited by many enthusiasts because we are in a period in which the Sun is at its minimum distance from the Earth.
In some areas it will last up to 4 minutes and 28 seconds.
The lucky ones who will be able to witness this extraordinary event will be the population of North America, a strip that diagonally crosses Mexico, the central and western United States and a small part of Canada.
Unfortunately, we Europeans will be forced to watch the event via streaming.
It is estimated that around 31 million people will be affected by the eclipse.
A large number of enthusiasts could move towards the affected areas causing various inconveniences.
For this reason the EMA, the Orain County Emergency Management, has invited the population to stock up on food, water and fuel at least starting from the week before the event.
Here because.
Stock up on water and food before the eclipse: here's why As always happens when solar eclipses occur there are various types of problems.
Both safety, with many people looking at the Sun with the naked eye causing eye problems.
An analysis found that in the days preceding the eclipse, searches on Google for what happens if you look directly at the Sun underwent an incredible peak.
Then there are logistical problems with a large mass of enthusiasts who travel to the areas affected by the phenomenon to watch it.
Also in this case the authorities are taking action and have issued a warning that there could be increases in traffic and therefore that reaching hospitals could be difficult.
“What we may have here is a crowd we're not used to,” said Dave Freeman, director of the Lorain County EMAs.
The area is not designed to contain huge traffic flows.
The roads are two-lane and not four-lane like Chicago, so traffic could be really heavy.
On the day of the eclipse, authorities also warn that there may be problems with telephone lines due to increased cell phone activity in the area overloading the system.
But that's not all because the population was invited on the weekend before the eclipse to stock up on petrol, food, water and medicines in order to avoid travel as much as possible in the days preceding and on the day of the eclipse.
read also Total solar eclipse in 2024: when and how to see it How a total solar eclipse works The eclipse scheduled for April 8th will be very special because it will be total and above all quite long.
The closer the Moon is and the further away the Sun, the longer the eclipse can be.
This eclipse will last up to 4 minutes and 28 seconds in some areas.
At the moment of totality of the Sun only the corona will be seen.
Observers will witness a sunset effect with the sky turning reddish.
During the eclipse Jupiter and Venus should be seen on either side of the Sun, along with Mars and Saturn.
Always be careful to use special glasses to avoid damage to your eyesight which could even be serious and permanent.


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