The best high schools in Italy 2023: the ranking

Online ranking of the best high schools in Italy based on their ability to prepare students for future university studies and the world of work.
This is the new Eduscopio portal for 2023/2024 of the Agnelli Foundation which every year, from North to South, monitors secondary schools by developing a ranking.
The portal was born in 2014 and is free.
In more detail, it is an interactive map which aims to help families and students in choosing a high school at the end of lower secondary school.
For the new ranking of the best high schools in Italy 2023, as stated in a note, the Agnelli Foundation working group, coordinated by Martino Bernardi, analyzed the data of approximately 1,326,000 Italian graduates in three subsequent school years from 2017 by 2020 in approximately 7,850 courses of study in state and private secondary schools.
The best high school in Italy is located in the North and is the Nervi-Ferrari scientific high school of applied sciences in Morbegno in the province of Sondrio which replaced Latin with IT.
We have seen which are the best universities in the world.
Let's now see, from North to South, which are the best high schools in Italy according to the 2023 ranking.
The best high schools in Italy 2023: the ranking by city The Eduscopio 2023 ranking analyzes the best high schools in Italy from North to South.
To be precise, by accessing the portal, it is possible to search by city and obtain the ranking based on the distance from the chosen location.
We will therefore see which are the best institutes by location.
The interactive map is based one year after graduation on the results: university (exams taken and grade point average); working (employment rate and coherence between study and work).
In detail in Milan the ranking of the best classical high schools is as follows: Giulio Casiraghi of Cinisello Balsamo; Berchet; Sacred Heart; Alexis Carre.
Among the scientific high schools: Volta; Leonardo; the Sacred Heart (equal); the Vittorio Veneto.
In Rome the ranking of the best classical high schools is as follows: Ennio Quirino Visconti; Terenzio Mamiani; Victor Emmanuel II.
Still in the capital, the best scientific high school remains the Augusto Righi.
In Naples, however, the best high schools by category are the following: the Convitto Vittorio Emanuele II is the best classic; the best scientific high school is Mercalli; for linguistics the best is Carlo Urbani.
The ranking, or rather the rankings of the best high schools in Italy, also starts from the analysis of the results of the 2020 Maturity where the grades were higher than usual because the exam involved only an oral interview due to the pandemic.
Among graduates of the 2019/2020 school year who enrolled at university, however, the percentage of those who did not take exams in the first academic year increased.
A possible explanation – commented Andrea Gavosto, director of the Agnelli Foundation to Corriere della Sera – is that the health emergency, together with the dramatic prospects of the job market in 2020, have led students to enroll in university who in other situations would not they would have done: once the most critical phase was over, many of these gave up.
read also School open in summer and modification of History and Geography programs: what Valditara said The best high schools in Italy 2023: how to consult the ranking Anyone can carry out the search to find their way among the best high schools in Italy based on their needs and to the city.
On the "Home" of the user can click on two sections based on the needs of their research: I am looking for a school that best prepares me for University; I'm looking for a school that best prepares me for the world of work.
A page will appear where you can enter your name and select the type of profile: student; parent; professor; other.
At this point a bar will appear on the left of the desktop which will allow you to carry out a search.
By clicking on the magnifying glass it will be possible to proceed with the search by type of institute by also entering the city and the distance you are willing to travel from your location, whether 10, 20 or 30 kilometres.
By clicking on "Go to list" the ranking of the best high schools in the area for the selected type will appear.
read also The best online universities in Italy and what changes compared to traditional ones


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