Registration for elementary schools for the 2024-2025 school year, how to do it and deadlines

Registrations for the 2024-2025 school year for elementary schools are now underway.
But how does primary school enrollment work? This is often the question that many parents ask themselves at the beginning of each year.
From January 18, 2024, in fact, it will be possible to submit the application for enrollment in state schools of all levels.
The application must be submitted exclusively electronically, therefore only online, as has been carefully explained in the ministerial circular issued by the Ministry of Education.
The only exception to the rule is provided for students in the pre-adoption phase, for whom registration must not be carried out online, but by the foster family directly at the chosen school.
For private schools, however, you will have to follow the instructions of the individual institution which may or may not require online registration.
But what are the deadlines and what are the operations to be carried out to correctly submit the registration application? Faced with the many questions that parents and guardians may encounter, it is good to clarify.
Here's everything you need to know.
Registration for elementary schools as 2024-2025: deadlines and requirements Parents will be able to submit the online application for enrollment of their children in elementary schools from 18 January – 10 February 2024.
Registrations are carried out online, as defined by the ministerial circular.
The only requirement for enrollment in the first year of primary school is age, everything depends on the day the student was born.
In fact, children who have reached at least 6 years of age by 31 December 2024 will be able to enroll in primary schools.
In the event that the number of applications exceeds the places available, the school will take into account its own criteria made public before the end of the registrations.
Furthermore, students who will turn 6 years of age by 30 April 2025 will be able to enroll as early adopters.
However, students who turn 6 years old after 30 April will not be allowed to enroll in the first class of primary school.
read also School reform 2024, what changes from next year Elementary school enrollment for 2024-2025: how to submit the application After marking the deadline for the application on the calendar, it is a good idea to prepare the request for enrollment in elementary schools.
Upon registration, parents must present information relating to the future student, providing: name and surname; Tax ID code; date of birth; residence and, where required, other information; the preference regarding the training offer proposed by the chosen school.
School secretariats offer a support service to families without IT equipment.
Parents can submit a single enrollment application, but also indicate a second or third school to which to address the application in the event that the first choice institution does not have available places.
After the deadline of 10 February 2024, only for exceptional and duly documented reasons, parents will be able to directly submit the application for enrollment at the chosen school, keeping the competent local school office informed, which will direct the request to other institutions, if the chosen school does not accept the application.
Elementary school registration, timetables and absences: how they work At the time of registration, parents of pupils can make two personal choices relating to their children's education: the teaching of the Catholic religion and the time of participation in activities.
As regards the timetable, upon registration, parents will be able to express their options regarding the possible divisions of the weekly timetable which can be structured into: 24 hours; 27 hours; 30 hours; 40 hours (full time).
However, if there are no impediments for the 27 hour week timetable option, there may be some limitations for the other timetable options: for the 24 hour week timetable option it is necessary that the requests reach a sufficient number to form a class , while for the 30 and 40 hour options the acceptance of the options is subject to the existence of staff resources.
As regards absences due to illness, however, it will be necessary to present a medical certificate only if the absence due to illness lasted more than 5 days.
read also When you need a medical certificate to return to school


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