These smartphone applications are illegal, that's what you risk

Applications for smartphones have replaced numerous everyday tools and created conveniences that were unimaginable until a few years ago.
There is an app for almost everything, in fact, usually more than one with various features and costs.
Nothing wrong, technological progress has always helped you manage your needs in an increasingly practical and advantageous way.
At the same time, habit and thoughtlessness often prevent us from realizing that what we do with the smartphone still belongs to the "real world", made up of legal rules and consequences for those who do not respect them.
There are tools created with purposes that are in themselves contrary to the law and others that lead those who use them improperly to violate it.
Here's which smartphone applications are illegal and what those who use them risk.
Illegal applications Streaming Image generators with AI Gambling and betting “Cracked” apps Speed camera alerts Selling products online E-mail and spam Hacking passwords Streaming Given recent events, we can only begin a discussion on illegal applications with those dedicated to streaming content.
Football matches, sporting events, films, TV series and music are usually protected by copyright.
Only those who have purchased the license can distribute them, free of charge or – as more often happens – for a fee.
Therefore there is no problem for those who use applications such as Netflix, Infinity, Disney Plus, Prime Video, Spotify and similar, since they reproduce the contents for which they have the license for economic exploitation, upon payment of a subscription.
The same goes for applications that help you watch live TV from your smartphone, for free channels and without requiring compensation.
On the contrary, all those applications that allow you to circumvent copyright, allowing users to watch and listen to content at a reduced or no cost, to the detriment of the copyright owner, are illegal.
Even those who simply use the contents violate the law, risking fines of 150 to 1,032 euros for each content watched and fines of 1,032 to 5,000 euros for each illegal download.
read also Fine of 5,000 euros for those who use these smartphone applications Image generators with AI Artificial intelligence is one of the most debated topics in recent times, also because its use has grown exponentially in terms of quality of content and quantity of users.
Using applications that use AI to generate images is not necessarily against the law, on the contrary it represents a very useful tool also to assist the work of professionals.
As often happens, everything changes based on how you use it.
In particular, be careful of images that depict people existing without their permission.
On this point, there are two most relevant aspects: deepfake images and the dissemination of child pornography.
The so-called deepfake images are characterized by their high realism and the difficulty in understanding that they are fake.
Depending on the use made, the context and the representation of the subject, creating and sharing these images can constitute the crime of defamation, violation of privacy, incitement to hatred, revenge porn and digital identity theft.
Not bad for a simple image that can be obtained in a few minutes.
When the image of a minor is used, in addition to the hypotheses already mentioned (for which it is good to remember that the law uses greater severity), one can also incur the crime of dissemination of child pornography material (if the sexual sphere is involved), even if the representation is not realistic.
read also Bikinioff, does anyone who uses it commit a crime? Gambling and betting Gambling is prohibited in Italy, unless approved by the Customs and Monopolies Agency.
The latter recognizes the AAMS license to managers who comply with the requirements imposed by law to protect citizens and personally manages state games, including Lotto, Superenalotto and Receipt Lottery.
Relying on an unrecognized gambling and betting application is therefore very risky, because you have no protection (not even on the collection of any winnings) and you risk imprisonment for up to 6 months or a fine of up to to 516 euros for the crime of gambling.
“Cracked” apps Using “cracked” apps is illegal.
We refer to applications and programs that allow you to use others for free (or at low cost, in any case not paid to the legitimate rights holder).
Anyone who uses pirated software risks an administrative fine of 154 euros for each violation, which can increase up to 1,032 euros per violation in the case of large quantities of material.
Speed camera warning devices There are many applications that help you drive, as long as you use them in compliance with the Highway Code.
In addition to navigators and maps, there are apps that report speed cameras and checkpoints, not all of which are legal.
In particular, there is no problem in the applications that indicate the sections in which controls may be present, which in fact must be public, by virtue of the principle of transparency of the administration.
It is different to report where there is actually a checkpoint or an active speed camera.
Those who use these apps commit an offense that can cost them a fine of between 802 and 3,212 euros, like motorists who flash their lights for the same reason.
Selling products online Anyone can easily rely on an e-commerce to sell products or buy a site for this purpose, but pay attention to the tax regulations.
If it is a habitual activity, opening a VAT number becomes necessary.
read also Occasional self-employment: what are the differences with the VAT number? E-mail and spam There are many applications dedicated to sending multiple e-mails, mainly used for promotional purposes.
Unauthorized posting or unreported advertising, however, is not permitted.
Recipients can therefore warn the sender and, if they have suffered damage, demand compensation.
Hacking passwords Applications that promise access to private wi-fi networks are not usually functional, but there are those who manage to find suitable tools for hacking other people's passwords, for the WiFi connection or otherwise.
In the first case, the crime of unauthorized access to a computer or telematic system is committed (which also applies in case of access to a blog or website), punished with imprisonment of up to 3 years.
Depending on the case, a violation of privacy is also committed, in addition to any crimes committed thanks to other people's passwords.
However, the victim can also request compensation for the damages suffered.


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