What does boppone mean, the word used to comment on Sanremo songs

We have officially entered the week of the Sanremo festival, the most important week in Italy for Rai but also for everything that revolves around the Italian music scene such as singers, record labels, radio, web, printed media that deal with shows.
At the end of this week, nothing will be the same as before in 2024.
New catchphrases will become part of our lives and will remain there at least until next summer.
Even the professional lives of several young singers competing could take a definitive turn after the Sanremo experience.
The Sanremo festival is now experienced in a totally different way compared to when the event saw its birth.
Sanremo is by far one of the most commented events on social media, in particular on X (formerly Twitter).
The entire communication, during the hours of the festival, is monopolized by millions of people who comment on what happens on stage expressing opinions on the songs sung by the competing artists.
At the end of the first evening of Tuesday 6 February, there is a new term that is very popular for commenting on songs and it is called boppone.
The word was used by several young people on social media to comment on Sanremo but also by famous artists.
But what does it mean? What does boppone mean: origin of the word The first to use the expression was a certain Michele who on his account to never get a wrong song." He was joined by a certain Elebi who, after listening to the songs, commented: «I can confirm that the Festival is female, and for me Loredana (Berté, ed.) should win, who got involved and brought us a lot of good luck.
Then it was even Emma Marrone's turn who, again on These are just three examples of how this term was widely used on the first evening of the festival.
It is a masculine noun that is used to describe a particular appreciation for a song or musical album.
The word "Bop" comes from English and indicates a beautiful song.
It is a very popular neologism especially among younger people who use it to indicate a beautiful song that they particularly appreciated.
Indicates an engaging, rhythmic melody that is highly appreciated.
Experts say that «it is an onomatopoeia that emulates the bop sound, a sound that involves, captures, smells of something new».
We will certainly hear more about the term boppone, which we remember does not currently exist in the vocabulary of the Italian language.
Time will tell if he will become part of it, certainly the Accademia della Crusca will have already noted it and will be evaluating the inclusion to keep up with the times.
The term is also used abroad with the word "bop".
In fact, in various singing events, there are numerous comments from people, especially young people, who have used this term.
read also How to vote in Sanremo 2024? Costs and how to do it with SMS or landline


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