Samsung Galaxy

Samsung Galaxy Deadline: 72 Hours to Update or Stop Using Your Phone


Executive Summary

With August’s security updates, Samsung users have successfully addressed two critical issues.
These vulnerabilities were severe enough to prompt the U.S.
government to issue a warning for all federal employees, urging them to either update their Samsung phones by August 28 or refrain from using them within 72 hours.

Additional Vulnerabilities Discovered

However, recently, it has come to light that there is a third security flaw that requires urgent resolution.
Samsung’s latest update tackles two known vulnerabilities in the Android firmware, namely CVE-2024-32896 and CVE-2024-36971.
The first issue, involving pixel rendering, was initially resolved by Google back in June.
Initially, it wasn’t thought to affect Samsung devices, but updates have now been made available.

The second vulnerability was rectified this month, with both Samsung and Google rolling out immediate updates.
Another serious issue has been identified that pertains particularly to models like the Samsung S24 and A54.
This is the CVE-2024-31960 update addressing memory-related problems, which was included in the August patch.

Rising Security Concerns

This memory vulnerability was described by Kaspersky as a “Use After Free” (UAF) issue.
When mismanaged during program execution, it could allow cybercriminals to potentially gain control over devices by inserting malicious code.

Mandatory Updates for Federal Employees

Even though this matter mainly impacts the Galaxy S24, S24 Plus, and A54 5G models, updates were released for all devices.
The U.S.
Cybersecurity Agency has requested federal employees to update their Samsung phones by the original deadline or cease using them after a grace period.
Unfortunately, many users may find that the updates are not yet available, likely rolling out in the coming days.
This delay could force some individuals to operate without their phones due to safety concerns.

Recommended Actions for All Users

It’s crucial to note that this update advisory is not limited to U.S.
federal employees but applies universally.
All users are encouraged to maintain their devices with the latest security patches, as this is the first layer of defense against potential data breaches.

To check for updates on Android devices, navigate to the settings followed by System and Software Update.
Here, users can find their update status and proceed to install necessary updates if any are pending.
Remember, it might be essential to restart the device to complete the update process.
It’s advised to initiate updates when the battery exceeds 50% to ensure a smooth installation.

For further information, read about 12 Samsung smartphones declared obsolete and their risks.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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