Pension January 2024, what's on the payslip and payment date

In view of the new year, the INPS has published a communication on its website in which it has given all the information regarding the January 2024 pension.
There are several new features in view of the first payslip of the year.
First of all, it must be said that the pensions for January 2024 will be paid starting from 3 January until the 8th.
For cash payments to the Post Office, the following order will be followed: surnames from A to C: Wednesday 3 January 2024; surnames from D to K: Thursday 4 January 2024; surnames from L to P: Friday 5 January 2024; surnames from Q to Z: Monday 8 January 2024.
For those who have decided to receive the pension on a bank or postal account with credit to the account, the credit will take place on Wednesday 3 January.
Then there are several new features regarding the renewal of pensions and tax withholdings.
January 2024 pension: what is renewed The January 2024 pension comes into effect on 3 January.
The automatic equalization increase, already provisionally attributed from 1 January 2023 to the extent of 7.3%, has been definitively determined to be by 8.1%.
The 0.8% to be adjusted has already been credited to the pension installment for the month of December 2023.
As regards the renewal of pensions, some operations have been applied in the January payslip.
For 2024 the provisional pension revaluation index is 5.4%.
Revaluations are not foreseen for accompanying pensions as they do not have the nature of a pension benefit.
The pension renewals may have generated a credit or debit adjustment relating to the amounts paid in 2023.
In the January payslip, also accessible online via the specific service on the INPS website, it is possible to find out these amounts in the item «Pension Adjustment from Renewal".
Tax withholdings With regards to tax withholdings, INPS announces that the final recalculation of the tax withholdings relating to 2023 relating only to the pension benefits provided by the institution has been carried out.
If the total withholdings for 2023 are lower than what is due on an annual basis, the amounts due on the pension installments for January and February 2024 will be recovered, also with the elimination of the amount of pension being paid, in the case where the amount is greater than the total pension benefit being paid.
Only in the case of pensioners with an annual pension amount of less than 18 thousand euros and for whom the recalculation of the IRPEF has resulted in a debt adjustment of an amount exceeding 100 euros, the deductions will be made monthly until November so as not to weigh too heavily on the monthly amounts.
As regards fiscally taxable services, starting from the January payslip, in addition to the monthly IRPEF, the additional regional and municipal taxes relating to 2023 are also withheld.
These are withholdings which will be made in 11 installments in the year following the reference ones.
The adjusted sums will be certified in the 2024 Single Certification.
Finally, the INPS reminds you that civil disability benefits, pensions or social allowances, benefits not subject to taxation for particular reasons are not subject to tax withholdings.
read also Pensions, tax cuts and increases are official (here are the new amounts)


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