
What is the recommended market and meaning of the codes

When we talk about registered mail we usually mean a type of correspondence that is very important for the recipient.
The registered market letter, in this sense, is a particular type of registered letter that is sent through the Poste Italiane service and which provides relevant implicit content and often has a legal value.
It is no coincidence that when we receive this type of communication it would be useful to know in advance what the meaning of the code indicated in the registered market letter is, especially in case of fear that a fine or a judicial act could be hidden behind it.
This is why finding out what the codes of the registered market letter or, in any case, of the stock notification mean is really fundamental.
Market registered mail, the guide to identification codes What is the market registered mail? Market registered mail: stock notification and identification code The meaning of the market registered mail codes Registered mail with codes 12, 13, 14 and 15 Market registered mail 685, 688 or 689 Market registered mail 665 Market registered mail 649 Market registered mail: meaning of code 648 Market registered mail code 616 Market registered letter: meaning of codes 781, 782, 783, 788 and 789 How to collect a market registered letter What is the market registered letter? Knowing the meaning of registered market mail and the related identification codes is, therefore, an essential aspect to understand what you are facing when you come across a stock notice which, to most people, may be unexpected or ambiguous.
In fact, there is no problem when the postman delivers the Market registered letter in person, while they could arise when he finds no one at home and leaves the Market registered letter ticket in the mailbox with a single identification code from which the contents of the letter can be traced.
First of all, to give a definition of registered mail we can say that it is an Italian postal service which is often used by important public bodies (such as the Public Administration) and private individuals and which, therefore, can "hide" something very relevant, for both the sender and the recipient, and with significant legal value.
From the Revenue Agency to the INPS, up to the courts, insurance companies, banks and – alas – notices from the police and administrative sanctions, there is always an important reason behind the receipt of the registered market letter.
However, the mere fact of receiving a registered market letter should not be frightening: there are, in fact, numerous variables associated with each code as well as the color of the communication itself.
Among the most frequent are codes 689, 665, 649 and 648, but they are not the only ones: we try to bring order between these and many others, in an attempt to trace the nature of the warning more quickly.
Registered mail market: stock notice and identification code When a stock notice with a specific registered mail code is found inside the mailbox, the person concerned most often thinks he has received a fine or has come under scrutiny of the Revenue Agency.
Before panicking, however, it is advisable to check the meaning of the 10-digit code indicated in the registered market letter, or rather of the first two or three digits of the same.
Digits that you find above the barcode in the stock notice left by the postman.
But even the color of the registered letter can help to trace its contents.
The white color, for example, certifies the fact that the postman was unable to deliver the letter (due to the absence of the recipient): for this notice the storage time is 30 days.
The registered letter can be collected at the post office within these deadlines; otherwise, the communication will be returned to the sender.
The green color, however, constitutes a notice of storage for documents coming from judicial or administrative authorities.
In such cases the storage time reaches up to 6 months, but the storage notification arrives after 10 days.
We would also like to remind you that a couple of days usually pass between receiving the notice of storage and the first available date for collection at the Post Office indicated on the rectangular card.
For example, if you receive the notice on Friday, the letter will likely be available for collection starting Tuesday of the following week.
Therefore, days could pass before we know exactly what the content of the message is: this is why it is good to analyze the code to get an idea of what we should expect.
read also When the registered letter arrives: Poste Italiane delivery times The meaning of the market registered letter codes As anticipated, to understand what is "hidden" behind a market registered letter it is of fundamental importance to decipher the codes shown just above the barcode.
In particular, it is useful for us to analyze the first 2-3 digits to understand the contours of the communication, although, in practice, we will only become aware of it once it has been collected from the post office.
Registered mail with codes 12, 13, 14 and 15 Let's say that in the stock notice there is a code that starts with 12, 13, 14 or 15: well, know that, usually, it is a harmless message.
These numbers, in fact, do not identify a market registered letter, but rather a simple registered letter which is generally sent by a private individual.
It will therefore not be a fine or a collection notice from the Revenue Agency.
For example, the registered code 152 usually identifies communications from electricity, telephone or gas suppliers.
However, it could happen that behind this code there is a letter sent by some lawyer and, in this case, this does not mean that there is nothing to worry about.
Registered market letter 685, 688 or 689 You are less reassured when you find an identification code that starts with 6, as, in this case, there is a good chance that it is a registered market letter with worrying content.
For example, the notice of stock with registered mail code 689 identifies in most cases the failure to pay a tax bill from the Revenue Agency – Collection (ex Equitalia), a local tax (Imu, Tasi and Tari) or a generic tax.
The same goes for the registered market code 685, which identifies fines and taxes and can also notify an unpaid car tax.
In the case of code 688, however, it is indicated that the sender is the Revenue Agency and the communication may refer to assessment notices, refunds or other communications/requests of a fiscal nature.
If you receive a registered market letter with code 685, 688 or 689, we recommend that you go as soon as possible to the post office indicated in the storage notice to collect the letter containing the communication and settle the payment, so as to regularize your position with the Italian tax system.
In case of further delay, there is a real risk of suffering a greater financial penalty.
In some specific cases, the registered letters have as their object the insurance statement of public administration employees, requests for maternity leave by workers registered with the INPS separate management, the redemption of the degree and civil disability.
Code 689 is also used by INPS for communications relating to pensions and social allowances.
It is not certain, therefore, that a registered letter with code 689 implies an injunction to pay a tax bill; in fact, it can also be a simple notice on the status of a case (concerning the INPS in most cases) which in any case presupposes a certain legal value.
read also Registered Revenue Agency, when is it notified? Registered mail market 665 If you find a stock notice with code 665 inside your mailbox, multiple situations can arise.
The most frequent case involves a communication from the bank inviting the current account holder to withdraw the credit card previously requested.
The alternative is to withdraw the new credit card after renewal (the same goes for the ATM).
The registered code 665 also often refers to the reminder for payment of an electricity, gas and water bill.
This happens when the owner of a utility forgets to pay the relevant amount of the bill and more than 10 or 14 days pass from the due date.
The electricity, gas or water company therefore proceeds with sending the reminder: if in the following two weeks the user does not comply with the payments, the supply is closed.
In several cases, code 665 can also refer to the payment reminder for users with a home internet or telephone contract.
The timing for receiving the registered market letter and subsequent regularization varies based on the telephone company with which the contract is signed.
The other situation that occurs most often in the presence of a notice of stock with registered code 665 is the Irpef reimbursement of 730 or the Single Form.
In less frequent cases, code 665 is associated with recalls by car manufacturers for checks on some components of their car.
In summary, code 665 can hide a message of: withdrawal or renewal of credit card or debit card reminder for payment of electricity, gas and water bill reminder for payment of telephone offers refund of 730 or Single Model security recall of the automotive parent company refund for closure of current account company debt collection insurance communications from the local health company dismissal letter Registered mail market 649 In many cases the inventory notice with code 649 indicates a payment notice from the Revenue Agency, for example for correction of the tax return or failure to settle the amount due to tax.
It may happen that the registered letter contains your name and surname but a different tax code: if this occurs, the recipient of the market registered letter is invited to go to the Revenue Agency offices in your province and explain what happened.
Code 649 is also associated with generic communications from INPS.
Among these are the notifications for registration in Merchant Management, contribution statement, outcome of a medical-legal examination, notice for referral and assessment for unpaid contributions.
Just like the registered letter with code 665, those starting with 649 can also be associated with payment reminders for electricity, gas and water utilities, as well as recalls from car manufacturers or the receipt of credit or debit cards of which you are submitted a request to your bank.
The aforementioned recalls of car manufacturers are technical checks aimed at eliminating any manufacturing defects and anomalies of certain car components such as brakes, steering wheel and airbags.
The intervention is carried out free of charge by the workshop belonging to the company's assistance network.
It is advisable to carry out the requested check, since the insurance can take action against the owner himself in the event of a road accident caused by the technical problem highlighted by the parent company in the recall.
The market registered letter with code 649 reported in the stock notice can, therefore, have as its object: Revenue Agency payment reminder INPS payment reminder INPS generic communications Payment reminder for electricity, gas and water utilities Car manufacturer recalls sending credit or debit card Market registered letter: meaning of code 648 The registered market letter bearing the code 648 can refer to: payment request Revenue Agency friendly notice Revenue Agency control outcome Revenue Agency communication insurance company In most cases, the inventory notice with code 648 is associated to a communication from the Revenue Agency: ranging from a payment request to notification of the outcome of an inspection, as well as a friendly warning.
The latter corresponds to the communication of an irregularity in the tax return phase, through which the Agency offers the interested party 30 days to regularize their position.
The person receiving the payment request can benefit from a reduction in the fine of up to 1/3 of the ordinary one if the friendly warning is related to an automatic control, or up to 2/3 if the communication derives from a formal control.
To regularize your position you need to pay using the pre-filled F24 form at collection agents, post offices or banks.
However, the registered code 648 does not always concern the Revenue Agency.
In fact, it may happen that the registered market letter bearing the aforementioned code is sent via the post office by the insurance company.
Not infrequently, the communication may have as its subject a road accident or other issues relating to your own car insurance.
Registered market code 616 Usually with the code 616 they are communications referring to your car.
Not fines, but rather a communication from an insurance company requesting payment of a policy, or even an invitation to pay the tax.
Furthermore, even with code 616, it may be a recall from the parent company of the car for a check in the workshop.
It is rarer for the code 616 to identify a registered market letter sent by INPS or the Revenue Agency.
Market registered mail: meaning of codes 781, 782, 783, 788 and 789.
Also pay attention to market registered mail for which the first two digits are 78, as for example for the following codes: 781 782 783 788 789 For codes starting with 78, in fact , it is very likely that it is a fine or in any case a communication from the Revenue Agency.
In this regard, in times of pandemic, with the code 785 the invitation to be vaccinated against Covid was sent to those over 50.
The same also applies to the codes starting with 75, 76 and 77, which could hide a judicial measure , such as it could be an invitation to pay Tari or Tasi.
read also Can I refuse a registered letter by hand? Here's what happens How to collect a market registered letter The market registered letter can be collected at the post office indicated in the stock notice or online.
The receipt also shows the date from which you can go to the post office to pick up the registered letter.
Users who have difficulty going to the post office can take advantage of the digital collection service offered by the Poste Italiane web portal.
Collecting the registered letter online has the same legal value as physical collection.
The main advantage is given by the possibility of having access to registered mail 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Anyone who intends to use digital withdrawal from Poste Italiane needs a digital signature, which can be activated for free by logging in to the PosteID account SPID enabled.
Warning: regardless of the content of the message, the registered letter must still be withdrawn.
The refusal, in fact, makes little sense as failure to deliver does not cancel its legal effects.
read also What happens if you don't collect a registered letter?

Author: Hermes A.I.

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