Quota 103

Maroni Bonus in Payslip: Complete Guide. Payment Dates and Amounts Table.

The Maroni bonus: an incentive for delayed retirement

The Maroni bonus, established by Article 1, paragraph 140, of Law No.
213 of December 30, 2023, is approaching its payment date in payslips.
As explained by INPS in message No.
1107 of March 14, 2024, the bonus will be disbursed starting from August 2, 2024, to encourage delayed retirement for salaried workers who have met the requirements for accessing flexible early retirement, also known as Quota 103.

Specifically, those who have met the criteria for early retirement due to the flexibility measures introduced before in 2023 and confirmed (albeit with a penalty) for 2024 will be able to request a bonus in their payslip.

Understanding the Choice: Bonus vs.
Future Pension

However, it’s essential to consider that benefiting from the bonus means giving up a portion of contributions, leading to a reduction in future pension benefits.
The decision then lies between receiving a higher pension or an immediate salary increase.
It’s crucial to understand how much the Maroni bonus increases your payslip and its impact on your future pension.

It is essential to make an educated decision to optimize the choice between short-term financial benefits and long-term pension security.

Eligibility Criteria and How It Works

The Maroni bonus is an incentive for workers who, although eligible for early retirement under Quota 103, choose to stay employed.
This bonus allows them to receive an increase in their salary by reducing their contribution rate to zero.
This adjustment maintains the gross salary while increasing the net take-home pay for employees.

The Maroni bonus must be requested directly from INPS through the online procedure.
The decision to opt for the bonus, waive contributions, and increase your immediate income is at the discretion of the individual.

Calculation and Application of the Maroni Bonus

The Maroni bonus eliminates the 9.19% contribution rate from the gross salary, resulting in direct savings for employees.
The actual increase in take-home pay depends on the individual’s salary level and tax bracket.
The incentive is designed to support employees in their decision-making process regarding retirement and financial stability.

For further information, the official circular INPS No.
39 of February 27, 2024, provides detailed guidelines and instructions on applying for the Maroni bonus.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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