
How to File a Complaint Without a Lawyer

Understanding the Difference Between Denunciation and Complaint

Denunciation is simply an act in which citizens notify law enforcement that a crime has been committed, substantially collaborating in the fight against crime.
It is possible to report a crime committed against other people, unlike a complaint, which can only be filed by the victim within a certain period of time.

When to Make a Denunciation

It is important to note that denunciations usually involve more serious crimes, which can be prosecuted regardless of the victim’s will.
Anyone can report such crimes to the authorities, and in some limited cases, they may even be obligated to do so.
When it comes to the procedure, there is enough discretion.
Citizens can choose whether to report verbally or in writing, alone or through their lawyer.

Reporting Process

If reporting verbally, the facts are recounted to a law enforcement officer, who transcribes them and asks for the denouncer’s signature after verifying their identity.
A written report is preferable for many citizens, as it allows them to prepare it calmly before submission, ensuring all details are in place without rush or anxiety.
However, some individuals may feel intimidated in certain situations and prefer a written report.

Writing a report is not as difficult as it might seem, even without a lawyer.
The steps are the same whether the report is optional or mandatory, with the only difference being the specific time constraints for mandatory reports in some cases.

How to Write a Denunciation Correctly

The report can be handwritten or typed and printed, depending on what is more convenient.
It should start with the heading, indicating the authority to which it will be submitted, such as a local police station or a public prosecutor’s office.

Personal details must be provided, as anonymous reports hold no legal value.
The denouncer’s name, date and place of birth, address, tax code, and contact information are necessary for identification.

When detailing the facts, clarity is key.
There is no need for legal jargon; the focus should be on clearly explaining the event and all relevant information, including time and place details, witnessed actions, and any involved parties.

If the alleged perpetrator is known, their identity should be provided; if not, the report can be filed against unknown individuals.
The report should be dated and signed, and any supporting documentation should be attached if available.

Finally, submit the report to the chosen authority and obtain a receipt from law enforcement.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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