How much does Giuseppe Conte earn? Salary and income of the leader of the M5s

How much does Giusppe Conte earn? This is a question that all citizens will have asked themselves at least once during the almost three years in which the people's lawyer was at Palazzo Chigi, perhaps to make a comparison with his own salary or pension.
Since the 5 Star Movement has been in government, in practice continuously from June 2018 until July 2022 when the Draghi-led executive fell, the issue of the costs of politics is always topical given the battle carried out with the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians.
Once his second government fell, Giuseppe Conte, following a reform of the regulations of the Five Star Movement, was elected president of the 5 Star Movement on 28 March 2022.
In the 2022 political elections, the five-star leader ran for the first time and was elected to the Chamber of Deputies.
Let's see then the salary received and the latest tax returns of Giuseppe Conte, the university professor devoted to politics who in 2022 turned out to be the "poorest" parliamentarian among all those elected.
Giuseppe Conte's salary Giuseppe Conte served as Prime Minister continuously from 1 June 2018 until 13 February 2021, leading two governments with the second having to face the storm of the pandemic.
The Italian Prime Minister, with his salary, is among the top ten of the highest paid state officials in the world.
However, the gap with the top of the rankings is abysmal.
The first in the ranking is in fact the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, who declared 1.7 million dollars.
At the moment, the head of government earns 80,000 euros net per year, for a monthly salary of 6,700 euros.
Not a bad pay, even if paradoxically it is lower than that of simple deputies or senators who even get double.
Now that he is a member of parliament, Conte is in fact entitled to a net allowance of 5,000 euros per month plus a daily allowance of 3,503.11 and a reimbursement for mandate expenses amounting to 3,690 euros.
Added to these are 1,200 euros per year in telephone reimbursements and from 3,323.70 up to 3,995.10 euros every three months for transport.
Tax returns Before his entry into politics, as a civil lawyer and professor in the 2018 tax return, and therefore in reference to the 2017 tax period, Giuseppe Conte declared an income of 380,233 euros.
In the subsequent tax return, that of 2019 relating therefore to 2018 as the tax period in which he became prime minister in June, the total income rose to 1,207,391 euros.
A notable increase which would be due to the fact that Conte, as soon as he was appointed Prime Minister, closed all pending positions, thus invoicing amounts in a short period of time that would otherwise have been spread over time.
Regarding the 2020 declaration, Conte's total income was 205,048 euros, therefore approximately one million euros less than the previous year.
In the 2021 tax return, which refers to the 2020 tax period, the five-star leader's total income was 105,411 euros.
The 2022 tax return, which refers to 2021 when he was prime minister for only two months, recorded a total income of 34,095 euros.
The last tax return published, the 2023 one relating to 2022 when he was only a deputy in the last months of the year, reported a total income of 24,359 euros.
A low figure dictated by the fact that, from the moment he took the field with the 5 Star Movement, Conte ceased all professional activity.
read also Parliamentary salaries: how much do deputies and senators earn?


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