How much do they earn?

Antonio Decaro’s Income Revealed: The Salary of the former Mayor of Bari turned MEP

Antonio Decaro: A Profile of a Successful Italian Politician

Antonio Decaro has been a prominent figure in Italian politics and a well-known candidate in the 2024 European elections, garnering an impressive half a million preferences.
Not only has Decaro served as the mayor of Bari for a decade, but he has also held the position of president of the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) and is a leading member of the Democratic Party.

Decaro, a native of Bari, graduated as a civil engineer from the Politecnico di Bari at the young age of 25.
His political career took off when he joined Michele Emiliano’s administration in 2004 as the councilor for mobility.
Over the years, he has been elected to various positions, including regional councilor, Member of Parliament, and, ultimately, mayor of Bari.

Antonio Decaro’s Earnings and Salary

Regarding Decaro’s income, the “Bassanini Law” dictates that mayors’ salaries are determined by the size of their cities.
With Bari having fewer than 500,000 inhabitants, Decaro initially received a monthly allowance of €5,780.
However, following a new regulation, his monthly earnings surged to €13,800 gross last year.

Public records reveal that Decaro’s gross income exceeded €135,000 in 2019, a significant increase compared to his pre-mayoral income of €98,728 in 2013.
Additionally, as an MEP, Decaro stands to earn substantially more than his mayoral salary, with European Parliament members potentially making up to €21,000 per month.

Furthermore, MEPs are entitled to a severance indemnity equivalent to one month’s salary for each year of their term.
They also have funds allocated for up to three assistants, with additional benefits such as a pension amounting to 3.5% of their retribution per year upon reaching the age of 63.

In conclusion, Antonio Decaro’s political journey and financial evolution reflect a successful career trajectory that spans local, national, and now European politics.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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