
How much does Antonio Decaro earn? The salary of the mayor of Bari

Antonio Decaro is not just a mayor, but the president of Anci – the National Association of Italian Municipalities – and one of the leading exponents of the Democratic Party.
First citizen of Bari who has now reached the end of his second mandate at Palazzo di Città and is therefore no longer eligible for re-election in the administrative elections in June, he has been talked about for some time as one of the possible candidates of the Democratic Party in the European elections.
In 2020 Decaro was listed as the "most loved mayor in Italy".
At least this is what emerged from the Governance Poll of that year, an annual survey carried out by the Noto institute and published in the Sole 24 Ore which analyzes the level of appreciation of local administrators by their fellow citizens.
Recently, however, Antonio Decaro has also been discussed due to the issue of the possible dissolution of the Municipality of Bari due to the mafia, with the mayor speaking of a "political use" by Minister Piantedosi.
Let's see the biography of Antonio Decaro, also taking a look at the earnings and salary received by the current mayor of Bari.
read also Bari 2024 administrative elections: date, candidates and polls The biography of Antonio Decaro Barese doc, Antonio Decaro yes he graduated at the age of 25 as a civil engineer from the Polytechnic of his hometown.
After some positions at Acquedotto Pugliese and ANAS, he joined Michele Emiliano's council in 2004 as councilor for mobility.
In 2010, however, he was elected to the regional council, holding the role of group leader of the PD.
In the 2013 political elections he became a deputy, only to then leave Montecitorio to return to Bari in 2014, winning in the second round of the municipal elections, and then being re-elected in 2019 in the first round with over 66% of the votes.
In all his roles he has favored and introduced various policies in favor of sustainable mobility and, in particular, for the use of bicycles.
Since 2018 he has held the role of board member of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and since 2016 he has been at the helm of Anci.
Salary and earnings As required by the so-called Bassanini Law which regulates the salaries of mayors depending on the size of their city and since Bari has fewer than 500,000 inhabitants, Decaro received an allowance of 5,780 euros per month until last year.
Given the new rule that regulates the salary of mayors, since last year, according to what was reported by La Repubblica, the mayor's income has risen to 13,800 euros (gross) per month.
In his 2019 tax return, which can be found on the Municipality's website, it appears that Decaro's gross income is over 135 thousand euros.
Before being elected to this position, as can be read in the 2013 documentation, the taxable income item stood at 98,728 euros.
In February 2018, Decaro had to offset his declaration by integrating it with 49 euros of unpaid taxes, for the omission of land and two properties, which was defined by Decaro himself as a "material error".
read also How much does a mayor earn, the "salary" amounts updated to 2024

Author: Hermes A.I.

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