Schools closed due to weather warnings on Tuesday 31 October 2023, all municipalities affected

Bad weather is spreading across much of Italy, so much so that some regions have kept schools closed today.
The weather conditions are worsening, in fact many mayors are communicating that the same measure will be adopted tomorrow too and the list of institutions involved is continually increasing.
Below is the list of municipalities where schools will be closed due to the weather alert on Tuesday 31 October.
Schools closed in Tuscany Tuesday 31 October In Tuscany many schools remained closed today, Monday 30 October, precisely in the municipalities of: Piombino; Livorno; Collesalvetti; Chickpeas flour pie; all the municipalities of the Island of Elba (Portoferraio, Campo nell'Elba, Marciana, Marciana Marina, Capoliveri and Porto Azzurro); Carrara; all the municipalities of Lunigiana (Aulla, Bagnone, Casola in Lunigiana, Comano, Filattiera, Fivizzano, Fosdinovo, Licciana Nardi, Mulazzo, Podenzana, Tresana, Villafranca in Lunigiana and Zeri); Pescaglia; Baths of Lucca; Borgo a Mozzano; Barga; Gallican; Union of Municipalities of Garfagnana; Viareggio; Massarosa; Camaiore; Forte dei Marmi; Stazzema; Seravezza.
It is highly probable that the closures will also be extended for tomorrow, given the weather alert issued by the Civil Protection, but for the moment the closures of schools have been made official only in the following Tuscan municipalities: Borgo a Mozzano; Grade; Viareggio; Massarosa; Camaiore; Forte Marmi; Stazzena; Seravezza.Schools closed in Emilia-Romagna Tuesday 31 October Emilia-Romagna is subject to a red weather alert for bad weather tomorrow, with particular attention to the following areas: Alta Val di Taro; Val Parma; Val Baganza.
As a result, several municipalities have decided to keep schools closed for October 31st, namely: Albareto; Bar of; Bedonia; Berceto; Bore; Borgo Val di Taro; Compiano; Corniglio; Fornovo; Langhirano; Lesignano Bagni; Monchio delle Corti; Palanzano; Solignano; Terence; Tizzano; Tornolo; Varano Melegari; Varsi.Weather alert Tuesday 31 October For the moment the list of closed schools is still being updated, it is therefore important to check the communications of the relevant mayors.
In particular, attention must be paid to the areas affected by the weather warnings issued by the Civil Protection for tomorrow.
In particular, there is a red alert for hydraulic risk in Emilia-Romagna, precisely in: Lower Piacenza-Parma hills; Piacenza-Parma mountains; High Piacenza-Parma hills; Piacenza-Parma plain.
In Emilia-Romagna there is also a red alert for hydrogeological risk in the following areas: Central Emilian mountains; Piacenza-Parma mountains; High Piacenza-Parma hills; Bolognese mountains.
Some areas of Veneto are also subject to the same alert, in detail: Alto Piave; Alto Brenta-Bacchiglione-Alpone; Piave foothills.
The orange alert for hydraulic risk is instead present in Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto, in detail respectively: Central Emilian mountains; Reggio Emilia plain; Reggio Emilia Po plain; Central Emilian hill; Bolognese mountains; Bolognese hill Isonzo basin; Plain of Udine and Gorizia; Autonomous Province of Trento; Basso Brenta-Bacchiglione and Fratta Gorzone; Livenza; Lemene and Tagliamento; Upper Piave; Adige-Garda and Lessini mountains; Alto Brenta-Bacchiglione-Alpone; Bit; Fissero-Tartaro-Canalbianco and Basso Adige; Piave foothills; Lower Piave; Sile; Drainage basin into the lagoon.
The alert is orange due to the risk of thunderstorms in: Emilia-Romagna (Central Emilian mountains, Reggio Emilia plain, Modena plain, Low Piacenza-Parma hills, Piacenza-Parma mountains, High Piacenza-Parma hills, Po Reggio Emilia plain, Central Emilian hills , Bolognese mountains, Bolognese hills, Piacenza-Parma plain); Liguria (Eastern Ligurian Po Valley Basins, Central Ligurian Maritime Basins, Eastern Ligurian Maritime Basins); Tuscany (Ombrone Gr-Medio, Etruria, Valdelsa-Valdera, Valdarno Inf., Serchio-Garfagnana-Lima, Ombrone Gr-Costa, Serchio-Costa, Arno-Valdarno Superiore, Arno-Florence, Arno-Costa, Bisenzio and Ombrone Pistoiese, Etruria-North Coast, Etruria-South Coast, Lunigiana, Mugello-Val di Sieve, Reno, Romagna-Tuscany, Serchio-Lucca, Versilia, Fiora and Albegna, Ombrone Gr-Alto, Islands, Fiora and Albegna-Costa and Giglio).
Finally, there is also an orange alert for the hydrogeological risk in: Emilia-Romagna (Lower Piacenza-Parma hills, Central Emilian hills, Bolognese hills); Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Tagliamento and Torre mountain basins, Livenza and Lemene basins); Liguria (Eastern Ligurian Po Valley Basins, Central Ligurian Maritime Basins, Eastern Ligurian Maritime Basins); Lombardy (Upper eastern plain, Valchiavenna, Middle-lower Valtellina, Varesine lakes and pre-Alps, Valcamonica, Eastern lakes and pre-Alps, Pavia Apennines, Lario and western pre-Alps, Bergamo Orobie, Lower eastern plain, Lower central-eastern plain, Upper Valtellina); Tuscany (Ombrone Gr-Medio, Etruria, Valdelsa-Valdera, Valdarno Inf., Serchio-Garfagnana-Lima, Ombrone Gr-Costa, Serchio-Costa, Arno-Valdarno Superiore, Arno-Florence, Arno-Costa, Bisenzio and Ombrone Pistoiese, Etruria-North Coast, Etruria-South Coast, Lunigiana, Mugello-Val di Sieve, Reno, Romagna-Tuscany, Serchio-Lucca, Versilia, Fiora and Albegna, Ombrone Gr-Alto, Islands, Fiora and Albegna-Costa and Giglio); Trentino-Alto Adige (Autonomous Province of Trento); Veneto (Basso Brenta-Bacchiglione and Fratta Gorzone, Adige-Garda and Lessini mountains).
This is followed by some ordinary critical alerts, therefore yellow, which should not jeopardize the regularity of school calendars.
also read Icelandic Cyclone in Italy, how long the bad weather lasts and the most affected areas


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