Mandatory electronic invoicing, guide to choosing the software

In 2024, the obligation for electronic invoicing was also extended to flat-rate VAT numbers, resulting in a significant transformation in the field of administrative management for professionals and small entrepreneurs.
In addition to meeting regulatory obligations, this innovation allows you to easily manage and search issued and received invoices and send them to the Revenue Agency automatically.
However, not all software is the same: some only offer invoice coding and sending to the Exchange System, others also manage the digital signature and digital preservation in accordance with the law, while others still provide further functions.
For example, the Invoices in Cloud flat rate software allows you to monitor the revenues and compensation of your business (which, to remain in the subsidized regime, must remain below the limit of €85,000 per year), manage collections, record purchases, connect with your accountant and do much more.
In this complete guide to choosing the best e-invoicing software, we will provide practical and detailed advice, offering an in-depth analysis of the fundamental features that a software must have, such as ease of use, regulatory compliance, data security and integration with other platforms corporate.
How to choose electronic invoicing software: 10 features to consider To choose electronic invoicing software it is necessary to evaluate the general characteristics, the functions related to the compilation, sending and storage of invoices and any additional functions to facilitate the management of the VAT number .
Here are all the variables to consider to make the optimal choice: Ease of use: an electronic invoicing software must have an intuitive interface, accessible even to those who are not experts in technology, regardless of whether it is used by a large company or by a flat-rate professional.
To make it easier to understand how it works, it must offer text and video guides.
Access from smartphone or tablet: the ability to access the software from smartphones and tablets is very useful when you are out of the office and don't have a PC available.
Price: is the software free or paid? Electronic invoicing software can have different prices, with totally free options, perhaps with a trial period, or a free basic version followed by paid packages.
The choice depends on the completeness of the desired service and the available budget.
Pay attention to the "zero" price of free software: it could indicate the lack of some crucial features or exclude paid "extra" options: for example, some functions, such as digital signature or substitute storage, may require an additional cost.
Before opting for free software, it is important to carefully evaluate what is included and what might incur extra expenses.
Functions related to electronic invoicing: an invoicing software is complete if it covers the entire life cycle of electronic invoices (active and passive), from their issue to their conservation for 10 years.
Some invoicing software facilitates the compilation of invoices for users who have set their tax profile as a "flat-rate regime", automatically indicating on the invoice: the code RF19 (flat-rate regime – art.1, c.54-89, L.
190 /2014) in the tax regime field of the seller/provider of the electronic invoice, the VAT rate 0% – N2.2 – Flat-rate taxpayers for products/services the revenue stamp when the amount of the items on the invoice not subject to VAT exceeds €77.47, as required by general law.
Support for invoice correction: some software accompanies the rejection notification with "best practices" on how to modify the invoice, helping the user with the correction.
Collection management: the invoicing software can integrate some useful features for monitoring flat-rate VAT revenues, such as automatic invoice recording, journal entry and bank reconciliation.
Schedule and automatic reminders: good invoicing software integrates a schedule to store and notify the deadlines of invoices to be paid and/or collected, and sends automatic reminders to "forgetful" customers inviting them to proceed with payment.
Document transformation: some invoicing software allows you to create estimates, delivery notes and other documents and transform them into an invoice in one click.
Reports and graphs: some invoicing software shows the progress of the user's activity, illustrating in a simple way some indicators, such as turnover, expenses, debts and credits.
Connection with the Accountant: a very useful feature is the one that allows the Accountant to view the user's account, in order to check the accuracy of the obligations, upload the F24s and give some advice on how to improve business.
What Invoices offers in Cloud to flat rates: invoicing and much more Invoices in Cloud is the ideal software for flat rates who want to manage electronic invoicing and their VAT number in a simple and complete way.
In fact: It offers a complete electronic invoicing service: from filling out the invoice to digital signature, from sending to the Exchange System to receiving it in software, up to conservation in accordance with the law for the mandatory 10 years.
It includes features dedicated to the flat rate: for example, it calculates the revenue collected, alerting you when the value approaches or exceeds the annual revenue/compensation limit of €85,000 and, from the revenue collected and the profitability coefficient, calculates an estimate of the taxation.
It therefore proves to be a valid ally for the economic and financial management of the business.
It provides other features to better manage your business: estimates, timetable, connection with the accountant and much more.
It has a simple and intuitive interface, completely in the cloud.; It allows you to manage every aspect of invoicing from any device, via an App for iOS, Android and Huawei smartphones and tablets; It offers a one-month free trial to try out the features and choose the license that best suits your needs.
Invoices in Cloud dedicates a special offer to flat rates: the Standard license, with electronic invoicing and many other functions for just €4/month, instead of €8/month.
Discover the Cloud Invoices offer for flat rates


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