Previsioni 2024

Market Predictions if Kamala Harris Wins the 2024 US Elections


Forecasting Market Impacts if Kamala Harris Wins the 2024 U.S.

Making predictions about the markets if Kamala Harris wins the 2024 U.S.
elections is essential for investors.
Although Harris has not provided extensive details about her platform, her commitment to criminal justice reform, healthcare access, immigration policies, and voting rights makes her a pivotal figure.
Recently, she indicated a plan to lower capital gains taxes from 36% to 33% and support small businesses.

Wall Street anticipates a degree of continuity and stability in the short term but must also brace for changes in fiscal policies.
Beneficiaries of her potential policies may include sectors like renewable energy and green technology.
Conversely, traditional industries such as oil, gas, and high-profit sectors like finance and advanced technology could face greater regulatory uncertainty and risks.

Favored Sectors

With Kamala Harris potentially in the White House, financial market predictions closely relate to the political and economic continuity of the Biden administration and Harris’s unique policy direction.
This transitional phase in the U.S.
economy highlights the prospective economic and tax policies that could significantly influence Wall Street stocks.

1) Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability

The ecological transition is a key theme in Harris’s campaign.
Despite criticism from environmentalists regarding her approach, she strongly supports the Green New Deal.
As president, she may expand tax credits and incentives for companies investing in clean technologies, benefiting various sectors:

  • Renewable Energy Producers: Companies involved in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.
  • Electric Vehicles: Harris’s policies could boost the shift towards zero-emission vehicles, benefiting electric car manufacturers and critical battery component suppliers.
  • Environmental Technologies: Firms engaged in carbon capture, energy efficiency, and resource management may see increased demand.

2) Technology and Digital Infrastructure

Harris aims to expand broadband access, particularly in rural areas.
Such initiatives could stimulate growth in innovation and technology sectors:

  • Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure: Companies building high-speed internet networks could benefit from new investments.
  • Education and Healthcare Tech: Digital learning platforms and online health solutions may thrive under increased connectivity and supportive digital policies.

3) Support for Families and the Middle Class

A major focus for Harris, social policies such as paid family leave and affordable childcare are crucial for the middle class.
Enhanced household incomes could positively affect domestic consumption, benefiting:

  • Retail and Consumer Goods: Large retailers and consumer goods companies may experience increased sales.

Penalized Sectors

However, several sectors may face disadvantages under a Harris presidency:

1) Financial Sector and Large Corporations

Harris’s fiscal policies might raise taxes on large corporations and high-income families, continuing the Biden administration’s approach, affecting:

  • Large Tech Firms: Companies like Meta, Google, Nvidia, Microsoft, and Apple may experience higher tax burdens, impacting net profits and stock valuations.
  • Banks and Financial Institutions: Harris might introduce stricter regulations to enhance consumer protections, increasing operational costs.

2) Traditional Energy: Oil and Gas

Despite expressing support for diverse energy investments in her debate with Trump, Harris has maintained a tough stance on extraction practices like fracking.
This could negatively impact:

  • Oil and Gas Industries: Companies in extraction and production may confront regulatory restrictions, particularly those relying on hydraulic fracturing.
  • Big Oil: Major oil companies might see reduced investments and higher regulatory pressures, negatively affecting stock performance.

Global Market Impacts

Globally, financial markets may react cautiously to a potential Harris presidency.
Uncertainty surrounding increased corporate taxes and stricter regulations could lead to volatility, especially in sectors dominated by large corporations and tech firms.
In contrast, companies focused on sustainability and innovation may prosper from U.S.
public financing initiatives.

Moreover, trade uncertainties stemming from Harris’s protectionist stance could impact manufacturing sectors and global supply chains.
However, her focus on technological innovation may also create new cooperation opportunities with developing markets investing in renewable energy and digital infrastructure.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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