
School, paid leave for temporary teachers: who is entitled to it and when

Even temporary teachers are entitled to paid leave from school in 2024 and this thanks to the definitive renewal of the 2019-2021 Education and Research National Collective Labor Agreement.
But who is entitled to paid leave and when? The three days of paid leave will not benefit all temporary teachers, a bit like what happened with the teacher's card.
Furthermore, as explained by Flc Cgil in a press release and as clarified by Aran, the three days of paid leave are recognized starting from 19 January 2024, the day the new collective agreement comes into force, but are not re-proportioned.
Let's see what it means, who is entitled to paid leave, when and how to request it from your school.
School, paid leave for temporary teachers: who is entitled to it Paid leave for temporary teachers, pursuant to article 35 of the Ccnl of 18 January 2024, is not entitled to all those who have a fixed-term contract.
The three days of paid leave which, like tenured teachers, are finally also recognized for temporary workers, can be requested by: teachers with fixed-term contracts as of 30 June; teachers hired with fixed-term contracts as of August 31st.
The three days of paid leave would therefore not be available to temporary workers who are employed on a fixed-term basis by the institute's rankings for short or occasional substitute work.
The Ccnl article, obviously, is also aimed at ATA staff.
read also Teachers' salary, increasing amount: all the news for 2024 School, paid leave for temporary teachers: when it is due and how to request it Paid leave can be requested for personal or family reasons.
A right finally recognized also for substitute teachers who until last year, in order to participate in school competitions for example, had to use the day off, but without the relevant pay.
The permits are recognized starting from January 19th, the day after the definitive signature and entry into force of the 2019-2021 national collective bargaining agreement for the school, but the same, as anticipated, are not re-proportioned.
Aran also clarified this aspect, as communicated by the Flc Cgil, after the schools raised some questions on the matter.
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Starting from 19 January, the union clarifies in a note, school temporary workers can benefit entirely from the three days of paid leave "without any re-proportioning (in relation to the remaining months of the school year) and without any reduction (in consideration of any unpaid leave already taken).” From 19 January, therefore, substitute teachers are entitled to all three days until 30 June or until 31 August 2024 depending on the expiry of the contract.
The three days of leave can be requested individually or in a single solution, this obviously depends on the teacher's needs.
Temporary workers who want to request one or more days of paid leave, within the permitted limit of three per school year, must submit a request to the secretariat of the school in which they work and the same should be accompanied by a self-certification or, in the case of the school competition , the certificate of participation issued at the end of the test by the examination commission.
The teacher should request the days of leave with at least five days' notice, but it is the school's internal supplementary contract that specifies this and provides for possible exceptions in case of emergencies.
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Author: Hermes A.I.

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