What does Italy risk if Iran closes the Mediterranean

Iran threatens to "close" the Mediterranean.
This is the latest act in the escalation of the war in Palestine.
After the tensions in the Red Sea due to the actions of the Houthi rebels, Iran also makes its accusations and threats and is proof of how the conflict between Israel and Hamas is slowly spreading to the seas.
The Palestinian genocide – which does not stop – has led to an increase in tensions in the Middle East between local and international actors in recent weeks.
So yesterday, December 23, a tanker indicated as "affiliated with Israel" was attacked by a drone in the Indian Ocean: Tel Aviv believes that the attack was organized by Iran.
And if the accusations have been neither confirmed nor denied, a commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards himself stated that the Mediterranean could be "closed" if the United States and its allies continue to commit "crimes" in Gaza.
A threat that could have repercussions not only on a military level, with a risk of escalation, but also on an economic level, and among the first countries to suffer the consequences there would also be Italy, which sees its maritime traffic in danger.
It is therefore appropriate to explain what the risks of the Iranian threat are both globally and for Italy.
Below is everything you need to know.
read also Can Iran start a third world war? Why Iran wants to close the Mediterranean and why it is dangerous Iran's threats were reported by Reuters, which on its website quotes the words of Mohammad Reza Naqdi, commander of the Pasdaran: "They will soon have to expect the closure of the Mediterranean Sea, of Strait of Gibraltar and other waterways”.
A sobering threat because Iran does not have direct access to the Mediterranean and it is not clear how it can try to close it, even if Naqdi spoke of "the birth of new resistance powers and the closure of other waterways".
But it is easy to think of the influences that Iran has on other countries, just think of the Houthis in Yemen who attacked ships and oil tankers headed towards Israel, forcing the United States and its allies into a mission to protect ships transiting the canal.
Italy is also participating, sending the anti-missile ship "Fasan".
Tehran's support for the Yemeni rebel group includes both weapons and tactical intelligence, the White House explains.
The risk therefore is that if Iran were to actually attack ships headed towards Israel in the Mediterranean, the conflict could easily expand, with a dangerous escalation, and some fear that a third world war will actually break out, although this is not in Iran's interests either.
trigger a conflict of similar magnitude.
What Italy risks if Iran closes the Mediterranean The threat from Iran, however, also represents a danger for the Italian economy.
In fact, the Mediterranean is crossed by numerous maritime trade routes which risk being distorted due to tensions caused by the war between Israel and Hamas and above all by the genocide of the Palestinian people, which is taking place before the eyes of a West incapable of intervening .
The repercussions of the threat may also affect Italy itself, which has repeatedly declared closeness to Israel.
It must be considered that the Strait of Suez is a fundamental hub at an international level and for Italy, given that over 40% of Italian maritime trade transits there, worth around 83 billion euros.
But not only.
The route is crossed by ships that also transport fuel, especially diesel, and as experts explain, any interruption in traffic would force cargo boats to extend their journey, causing the prices of goods to rise dramatically, causing millions of dollars in damage.
Therefore, if Iran were to intervene in this area, it could cause enormous damage to the international and Italian economy.
read also Can Iran start a third world war?


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