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When is the credit card credited?

Debit, credit and virtual cards are dramatically changing the way you make payments.
Nowadays money is used less and less.
Payments with credit cards are increasingly frequent.
According to an estimate, in the first half of 2023, card payment transactions amounted to 206 billion euros, to forecastly reach 430/440 billion euros at the end of the year.
The estimated increase compared to the previous year is more than 10%.
In 2024 it will probably be even better.
A credit card is a special means of payment issued by a bank that allows you to postpone the withdrawal of the sum spent.
In practice, the sums spent or withdrawn are advanced by the issuing body and then charged, generally on a monthly basis, in a single payment or in installments.
Normally the sums are debited from a current account, but a direct payment is also possible.
However, it may happen that on a credit card the money goes the opposite way, that is, it does not go out as a debit for payment but comes in in the form of a credit.
A credit card credit can occur for a variety of reasons, including refunds, returns and payments.
In this article we will find out when the credit card is credited, if the money can be used immediately or if the credits are also followed the debit line, therefore after a few days.
Credit to credit card: when it occurs For a refund, return or payment, it may happen that a sum must return to our credit card availability.
Typically for refunds, the amount can take up to 10 business days to return to your account.
This depends on the bank and the provider that issued the refund.
Once the credit is released, the sum is added to the credit card balance.
The credit will not be received in the form of a sum of money in the current account associated with the card.
But directly on the balance of the credit card used for the payment.
The credited sum can be used to make purchases, payments or even for withdrawals.
The sum does not affect the ceiling.
The credit increases the available balance, but the ceiling remains unchanged.
When you receive the credit, a few days usually pass in which the sum is waiting for accounting.
During this waiting period, the credit may be being verified and posted in the credit card company's accounting system.
The time depends on the card company's policies and procedures.
It can take a few days but in some cases even longer.
At this stage the credit may be indicated as "awaiting accounting" on the account statement or in the online area dedicated to the credit card.
The credit pending posting may not yet be available to be used to make new purchases or cash withdrawals.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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