
Special June 2024 Short-Term Substitute Teachers Issuance: When Will the Salary be Paid?

Precari in attesa dell’emissione speciale supplenti brevi di giugno 2024

Precarious workers awaiting the special issuance for short-term substitute teachers in June 2024 are curious about when it is scheduled to take place.
Specifically, they are eager to know when they will receive their salary.
Unlike temporary contract workers whose salary is paid on a monthly basis on the same day as permanent teachers, short-term substitutes must wait for the special issuance each month to receive their authorized salary payments by a certain date.

When is the Payment of the Salary Expected?

The special issuance explains why short-term substitutes often have to wait a considerable amount of time before receiving their salary.
This month, the special issuance for June 2024 is expected on Tuesday, June 18, although the payment date is deferred.

Special Issuance for Short-Term Substitutes June 2024: Salary Payment Date

The special issuance for short-term substitutes in June 2024 is set for Tuesday, the 18th, with the salary payment typically deferred by a few days.
This special issuance concerns the salary rates with the status “authorized payment” by 2:00 p.m.
The date of June 18 is also the date by which the paystub should be available for all permanent teachers and temporary contract workers with contracts until June 30 or August 31, 2024, in the reserved NoiPa area.

The payment for the special June issuance is expected to take place around ten days later, presumably on Friday, the 28th, as it happens almost every month.
Permanent teachers and annual contract workers will receive their salary in advance this month, precisely on Friday, the 21st, since the 23rd falls on a Sunday.
The 21st is also the date by which the authorized salary rates with the urgent monthly issuance should be paid.
Teachers can verify in the NoiPa reserved area whether the special issuance for June is scheduled for them.

How to Check the Special Issuance for Short-Term Substitutes June 2024

To check if the salary payment is authorized with the special issuance for June, short-term substitutes need to access the reserved NoiPa area.
After a few days of downtime to increase security levels, the service is now available again with some new features.
To access the NoiPa platform, users must exclusively use Spid, Cie, and Cns, meaning that it will no longer be possible to authenticate using tax codes and passwords.

Once logged into the reserved area to check for the presence of the special June issuance, short-term substitutes or occasional school workers must:

  • Click on “Services”;
  • Click again on “Salary services”;
  • Go to the “Payment consultation” section with the issuances.

Here, by selecting the year of interest, in this case, 2024, teachers should see the special issuance appear.
The special issuance for substitutes is labeled “Special issuance for short-term substitutes” with the month and year of relevance, different from the month of issuance.
Additionally, the amount and status should show “Authorized payment,” which appears after “Processed.” When the payment arrives, the status changes to “Paid” with the corresponding due date.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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