Understanding NEET: Who Are Those Not in Education, Employment, or Training?


Understanding NEET: A Growing Concern for Youth

The term NEET, increasingly common in recent discussions, refers to individuals who are not engaged in education, employment, or training.
This disturbing trend concerns many young people across Europe, including Italy.
But what does NEET truly signify, and who exactly falls into this category? Moreover, how many youths find themselves excluded from both the educational system and the labor market? Here’s a comprehensive overview of this pressing issue of our time.

The Definition of NEET

NEET stands for “Not in Education, Employment, or Training.” This term signifies individuals aged between 15 and 29 who are not participating in any educational or vocational training program nor employed in any capacity.
According to Treccani, NEET includes:

– The unemployed actively seeking jobs.

– Inactive individuals not interested in finding work.

– Discouraged youths who have abandoned job hunting altogether.

This situation indicates young people who have strayed from educational opportunities, remaining on the fringes of the job market, risking their future contributions to society and pensions.

The Origins of the Term NEET

The term was first coined by researchers John Bynner and Samantha Parsons in their 2002 study “Social Exclusion and the Transition from School to Work.” They highlighted that many NEET individuals fail to accomplish five essential milestones for adulthood:

Leaving their parents’ home.

Completing their educational and training paths.

Entering the workforce.

Starting a family.

Taking on responsibilities towards children.

This phenomenon, however, is more complex, influenced by systemic barriers that hinder young people’s access to education and job opportunities.
It is crucial to understand that a NEET profile varies significantly among individuals, stemming from diverse backgrounds.

NEET Statistics from Eurostat

Attention on the NEET phenomenon has slightly decreased its prevalence in recent years.
Eurostat data revealed that by 2022, 11.7% of youths aged 15 to 29 in Europe were NEET, marking a 1.4% decrease from 2021.

The European Pillar of Social Rights aims to reduce the NEET rate to 9% by 2030.
As of 2023, several EU countries already achieved this target, including:

– Netherlands: 4.2%

– Sweden: 5.7%

– Malta: 7.2%

– Luxembourg: 7.4%

– Denmark: 7.9%

In terms of gender disparities within the NEET population, it’s noted that the lowest rates for both young men and women occur in the Netherlands, whereas Italy shows concerning figures, particularly for young men at 17.7% and for women at 20.5%.

Moving Forward: Addressing the NEET Challenge

Despite a recent decline, the NEET issue remains significant.
To effectively counter this trend, focused investments in education and targeted employment initiatives are crucial.
By empowering young people with skills and access, we can significantly enhance individual lives and bolster national economies.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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