Elf on the shelf, story and pranks of the Christmas elf (and the letter to download)

We are approaching the Christmas period and traditions are also coming into full swing.
In this sense there is an all-American one which over time has also spread to Italy.
We are talking about the tradition of the Elf on the shelf, in Italian basically elf on the shelf.
Elves are characters very linked to the Christmas period, coming from the Nordic or Germanic tradition according to which these magical creatures are faithful assistants of Santa Claus and give him a hand in wrapping presents for all the children.
In 2005, thanks to the book «The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition», written by Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell, this tradition took on a new meaning.
Here's what happens on December 1st and what to do to welcome an elf into your home.
Elf on the shelf: history The book which has become very famous tells the story of an elf who is sent to homes by Santa Claus on 1 December to watch over children during the Christmas period and report whether they have been good or bad.
The creature remains still every day and carefully observes the children's behavior.
Every now and then he also enjoys doing tricks.
At the end of his visit, on Christmas night, he returns to Santa Claus to tell him what he saw.
From this book was born a tradition now widespread throughout the world of welcoming an elf into the home on the first day of December.
A way to play with your children and stimulate their creativity.
read also The 10 best Christmas films to watch on Netflix and Amazon Prime How to welcome an elf into your home and the rules to respect The first step is to adopt one or more elves.
You can purchase commercially available soft toys or, if you are good at sewing or knitting, try making your own.
On the night between November 30th and December 1st the elf must be brought into the house.
For this reason it is important to organize the elven door, a door connected to the North Pole with which the elf or elves will enter the house.
There are ready-made elven doors on the market, otherwise you have to create your own out of cardboard or wood.
To activate the little door, the child will have to recite this magic formula: Stardust, Christmas dust, let the apprentice Elf arrive soon! White is Santa's beard, white is the snow on his boot! I believe it, today and forever, the magic is about to return…
White and pure be my heart! The little door opens, the elf returns, it's almost Christmas.
At this point we are ready to welcome the elf into the house.
To do this it is important to give it a name.
The elf usually shows up with a letter addressed to the child.
Here is an example of a letter to fill out: The elf moves at night when no one is looking at him.
After the children have gone to bed, move it to various areas of the house, perhaps hiding it under the tree, on the fridge or on a piece of furniture.
This way the children will have fun looking for it.
To make the experience more engaging, have the elf leave messages or do naughty tricks.
For example, have them write messages or draw on objects, mirrors, eggs, fruit, vegetables or toilet paper rolls.
Or have them make a train with all the shoes you have at home, making the children believe that it is the elf's fault.
There are specific rules to respect: arrive and leave on specific dates: December 1st arrives and leaves on Christmas night to return to the North Pole; the elf must not be touched: children cannot touch the elf, otherwise it will lose its magic.
This helps maintain the illusion that the elf is a magical creature; it remains immobile during the day: it only moves at night when no one is looking at it.


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