Ukraine in the European Union? Then the war will end immediately or Italy will have to intervene

Ukraine could soon join the European Union together with Moldova – this is a non-negligible detail – while Georgia has been granted candidate country status.
For Bosnia-Herzeghovina, a dossier dear to Palazzo Chigi, everything was postponed until March.
A historic decision that was taken in Brussels, but at this point a question arises spontaneously: what do we do with the war that has been going on for almost twenty-two months between Russia and Ukraine, with Moscow controlling 17% of Ukrainian territory and is it starting to attack again after having repelled the enemy counter-offensive? When the road to the European Union seemed to be an uphill one for Ukraine due to Hungary's opposition – Viktor Orban came out on top when it came to voting with the Hungarian country which thus abstained while still avoiding voting against and consequently block everything -, here came the white smoke.
“The European Council has decided to start accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova” was the announcement made via Twitter by President Charles Michel, with Giorgia Meloni quickly expressing her satisfaction: “It is about a result of significant value for the European Union and for Italy, which came as a result of a complex negotiation in which our nation played a leading role in actively supporting both the countries of the Eastern Trio and Bosnia and Herzegovina and the countries of Western Balkans”.
The start of accession negotiations, however, does not mean that Ukraine and Moldova will immediately join the EU, with the actual negotiations starting in March and could last for years: however, the two countries have so far burned all the stages and even in this case the times could be much quicker.
However, there is a small detail: in order to join the European Union, Ukraine will not only have to end the war against Russia, but also resolve every territorial issue with the same thing that also applies to Moldova, see the Transnistria issue, otherwise Italy and the other 26 EU states will be called to intervene militarily alongside the new members.
read also Europe, the EU's approval for the procedure for the accession of Ukraine and Moldova Ukraine in the EU: and the war? “This is a victory for Ukraine – was Volodymyr Zelensky's comment after Charles Michel's announcement -.
A victory for all of Europe.
A victory that motivates, inspires and strengthens." After receiving only pats on the back in Washington when he hoped to return to the Old Continent with 61 billion dollars in aid for his country in his pocket, the Ukrainian president can finally rejoice after a very complicated period.
However, several obstacles remain for Ukraine's entry into the European Union.
In fact, Kiev will have to work hard to satisfy all of Brussels' requests, with Viktor Orban justifying his opposition by pointing out that membership "is a process based on merit, legally detailed, which has preconditions; there are seven for Ukraine and even in the European Commission's assessment three out of seven have not been achieved, so there is no reason to negotiate it.” The problem is also economic: with Ukraine in the EU the criteria for allocating the various community funds should be reviewed, with Kiev which could fill up on agricultural subsidies, all to the detriment of Eastern countries but also of Italy.
There are many billions at stake that no one appears to be willing to give up.
The thorniest issue, however, remains that of war.
In fact, Ukraine could not join the European Union with the conflict still ongoing.
To complete the accession process, a ceasefire will therefore be needed, but this may still not be enough.
To become part of the community family, Ukraine should present itself without pending territorial issues.
In essence, after the ceasefire he will have to open diplomatic negotiations with Moscow, leaving a large part of the territories now occupied to Russia given the progress of the war.
A prospect rejected with disdain by Volodymyr Zelensky even in the last few hours, but there would seem to be no alternatives to joining the EU.
Let's take an example.
Ukraine enters the EU with the war stopped but territorial questions still open; if Russia were to fire a single shot towards Ukrainian territory, according to the solidarity and mutual assistance clauses of the European Treaties, all member states would have to take the field alongside Kiev, a bit like how it works with NATO.
This would mean that Italy would also be called to war against Russia, a nightmare prospect given that even if we wanted to, our country, like all the others in NATO, currently has empty arsenals and would not be in the slightest ready to face a conflict.
The various Melonis, Scholz, Macron and company, shudder at the mere thought of such a scenario.
In order to enter the European Union, Ukraine will therefore have to put an end to the war with Russia by necessarily giving something up to Moscow, accepting a compromise that has so far always been rejected with disdain even by NATO.
Possible and feasible alternatives – unfortunately – for Ukraine at the moment do not seem to exist.


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