Modello 730 precompilato

Funeral expense deduction in 730/2024, amounts, instructions and who is entitled to it

Funeral expense deductions in 730/2024 and in the income model.
In fact, the costs incurred for the funeral expenses of a deceased loved one give the right to a 19% deduction on a maximum expense established by law.
Precisely for this reason, the expenses incurred for the burial and funeral of a deceased family member can be indicated in the tax return among those deductible.
In this article we will focus in particular on the 730/2024 form and on which funeral expenses incurred during 2023 can be deducted.
The Revenue Agency provides instructions for completing the tax return and sets the maximum deductible amounts.
The deduction due, as mentioned, is equal to 19% on a maximum expense of 1,550 euros for each funeral for which the expenses were incurred, provided that the payment was made by traceable means.
Therefore, if during 2023 there are more than one deceased loved ones for whom funeral expenses were incurred, the maximum expense must be multiplied by the bereavements for which these expenses were incurred.
The limit for each funeral, among other things, remains unchanged even if more people bear the expenses.
If more than one person paid the expenses, therefore, the maximum threshold for deductible expenses must be divided among those entitled to it.
Furthermore, under the 2016 Stability Law, it is possible to take advantage of this deduction in the tax return even in the absence of family ties.
read also Why must the 730 be done? Funeral expense deduction form 730/2024: amounts and instructions The Revenue Agency will soon start the 2024 tax return season by making the pre-compiled 730 available starting from 30 April.
Funeral expenses incurred in the 2023 tax year are part of the data pre-loaded by the Revenue Agency and give the right to a 19% Irpef discount on an amount not exceeding 1,550 euros, with reference to each death, as established by article 15 of the TUIR, Consolidated Law on Income Taxes.
The limit remains the same even if they were more likely to pay for the funeral.
In practice, the maximum deduction to be indicated in the declaration of the person bearing the costs can reach a maximum of 294.50 euros for each death for which the costs were incurred.
With assisted compilation you can choose to modify the funeral expense data present in the pre-compiled declaration or add a new expense item.
In the "Share incurred" field, the part of the expense actually incurred by the declarant must be indicated, and in the "Total amount" field, the total amount of expenses relating to the deceased person, regardless of the distribution of expenses among the subjects who participated in the expenses.
In this way, the Revenue Agency itself calculates the deduction due.
For example, if the funeral cost 2,000 euros in total, but the declarant spent 1,000 euros, in the "Edit expense item" tab, in addition to the name of the funeral company (Body) and the tax code of the deceased person, it must be indicated the amount of 1,000 euros in the "Quote incurred" field and 2,000 euros in the "Total amount" field.
On the basis of this information, the deductible amount is determined and will be entered directly into Table E, Section I by completing lines from E8 to E10.
Code 14 (funeral expenses) must be indicated in column 1.
In column 2, enter the expense incurred.
read also Model 730/2022: instructions, news and deadline to be respected Funeral expenses deduction model 730/2024: who is entitled to it and documents to keep As anticipated, since 2016 the 19% deduction of the expenses incurred for a funeral is no longer due only to family members.
This means that, once the family relationship has been abolished, anyone who has incurred the expense (or part of it) for a person's funeral has the right to obtain the relevant deduction.
The deduction is available in full to those with an income of up to 120,000 euros but is reduced to zero in the case of a total income of 240,000 euros.
In the calculation of the overall income, income subject to dry tax must also be considered.
The rules on amounts remain the same even in the case of funerals abroad.
What are deductible funeral expenses? There is no real definition, therefore expenses related to the funeral are deductible, from expenses for the florist to those for announcements, transport and other expenses related to the burial.
The financial administration specifies that expenses incurred in advance in anticipation of future funeral arrangements are excluded, such as the purchase of the grave before death.
It is important to point out that to receive the deduction it is necessary to keep some documents that certify that the expense has actually been incurred: tax receipts and invoices from the funeral home, florist and municipal services; proof of payment through traceable means; sworn translation into Italian of tax documents.
If in English, French, German or Spanish, the translation can be made and signed by the taxpayer.
Furthermore, if the holder of the invoice is different from the person who bears the costs, the original document must indicate a distribution declaration also signed by the holder.
Finally, we remind you that funeral expenses are among those which, if incurred in cash, cannot be deducted in the 2024 tax return.
read also Tax deductions based on income: how does it work and for which expenses?

Author: Hermes A.I.

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