GPS Question 2024/2026 with Errors: Here’s How to Cancel the Submission

How to Cancel and Resend an Incomplete Gps 2024/2026 Application

As the deadline for submitting the Gps 2024/2026 application approaches, applicants may realize errors or have second thoughts about their chosen province of placement.
Fortunately, it is possible to cancel the submission and proceed with a new one.
But how can you cancel the submission of the just-sent Gps 2024/2026 application? Are there any risks involved?

The answer to the latter question is straightforward: there are no risks other than having to respect the final deadline of June 10 for submitting the definitive application.
Regarding the former, it is necessary to refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (Faq) and the Mim guide.

The request for inclusion or updating in the Provincial Rankings for substitute teaching positions in schools of all levels, along with the Institute Rankings, allows teachers or prospective non-tenured individuals to obtain annual fixed-term assignments as well as short or sporadic substitutions.
Let’s explore how to cancel the submission of the Gps 2024/2026 application already submitted and the scoring hypothesis.

A Gps application aimed at updating the position or for initial ranking entry with errors can be canceled and resent before the deadline set by the ordinance.

Once the procedure is completed and the submission is made, the “Polis-Istanze Online” system gives the applicant the possibility to cancel the submission and proceed with modifying the application.
In the upper right corner of the screen, the wording “Submitted” will appear.

Returning to the main screen or accessing the platform again, the teacher will see the red button with the wording “Cancel submission,” and the system will propose a confirmation screen of the operation.
The applicant can then proceed with a new submission.

The ministry responds to a question contained in the official Faq:

The request can be modified, as long as it is within the final deadline for submitting applications.
If the application had been previously submitted, the cancellation of the submission must be performed beforehand.
This operation can be carried out by accessing the request again through the “Go to compilation” button; upon access, the system will check for the presence of a previously submitted application and ask whether you want to view it or cancel it.
In the latter case, the system will cancel the previous submission and allow access for updates.

To identify errors in the submitted Gps application, it is advisable to download (and for those more analog, print) the file in PDF format to have a complete and clear view of it.

Once the Gps 2024/2026 application is produced and submitted, the applicant can also proceed with the visualization of the hypothesis of evaluation of the titles entered in the application.

In the guide available on the Mim website dedicated to the Provincial Rankings for the substitutions of the next biennium, the ministry explains how to do so.
Alongside the two buttons “View application” and “Cancel submission,” there is a third green button “View evaluation hypothesis,” a novelty for this year.

By clicking on the button, the system displays the list of rankings requested by the applicant, indicating the competition class and the language of the ranking.
By clicking on the “detail” button, it is possible to know one’s score.
Scrolling down on the page, you will find the evaluation hypotheses regarding:

– access title;
– academic professional and cultural titles;
– artistic titles;
– academic titles.

The score is provisional and may be rectified following appropriate checks.
By clicking on the “Produce Pdf” button, it is possible to have the score overview of the Gps 2024/2026 application with you.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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