Ministero dell'Agricoltura

Agricultural Bonuses: A Guide to Available Assistance

Support for European Farmers: Understanding Agricultural Bonuses

European farmers receive crucial income support through agricultural bonuses.
It is important to understand the system and the benefits it provides.

What is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)?

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aims to support agriculture and ensure food security in Europe.
The latest measure, CAP 2023-2027, has specific objectives such as reducing the use of pesticides, minimizing antibiotics in livestock, combating pollution, and preserving biodiversity.

To achieve these goals, various direct economic contributions are made available to farmers.
CAP also aims to ensure income stability and rewards farmers for environmentally friendly practices and the provision of public services.

Types of Agricultural Bonuses

There are several types of agricultural bonuses available, including:

  • Eco-Schemes: These include schemes focused on reducing antimicrobial resistance, promoting animal welfare, enhancing tree crop management, safeguarding valuable olive groves, implementing extensive forage systems, and supporting pollinators.
  • Basic Payment Scheme (BPS): The BPS absorbs significant CAP resources.
    In 2023, the BPS underwent reforms to standardize values and impose a maximum limit of €2,000 per entitlement.
    The goal is to harmonize these values, with an average target of €142 per hectare by 2026.

How to Qualify for Payments

To receive BPS payments, farmers must comply with various criteria, including meeting Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAEC) and Cross-Compliance Standards (CCS).
For example, crop rotation on arable land and leaving a percentage of land fallow are among the requirements.

Additional Support for Farmers

In addition to CAP funds, there are other support measures available to farmers.
These include opportunities to acquire agricultural land through land auctions, resources provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for fleet renewal, and funds allocated under specific decrees like the 63/2024 decree.

Furthermore, farmers looking to modernize their operations and save on energy costs can benefit from grants for implementing photovoltaic systems.

It is essential for farmers to explore all available avenues for support, as these incentives can contribute significantly to the sustainability and success of agricultural businesses.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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