Political Polls: Meloni and Renzi’s Decline, Pd’s Soar, Santoro and De Luca’s Approval.

The Latest Political Survey Revealed by Swg

The most recent political survey conducted by Swg and broadcasted by Tg La7 on April 22 came out just after the official announcement of the results of the regional elections in Basilicata, where the outgoing center-right president Vito Bardi achieved a significant victory.

Shifts in Political Landscape

In contrast to the outcome in Basilicata, the political survey does not seem to favor Giorgia Meloni, who reportedly experienced a sharp decline in voter intentions compared to the previous week.
On the other hand, the Democratic Party is on a clear upward trend in the survey and is now not far behind Fratelli d’Italia.
With Elly Schlein already announcing her candidacy for the European elections, it is anticipated that Giorgia Meloni might do the same soon.

Furthermore, both Lega and Movimento 5 Stelle show negative signs in the survey, with Matteo Salvini still leading the stable Forza Italia party.
For the upcoming European elections, Forza Italia will run alongside Noi Moderati, having also formed alliances with Mpa and Svp.

Overall, the center-right coalition has reportedly lost half a percentage point in the last week.
However, the decisive electoral success in Basilicata will surely reassure the leaders of the majority coalition as they look ahead to the European elections.

Parties Near the Electoral Threshold

The latest Swg political survey also sheds light on the parties and lists teetering on the brink of the electoral threshold, set at 4% nationally for the European elections.

Matteo Renzi seems to be in a relatively favorable position due to the alliance with +Europa.
Nevertheless, the noticeable setback experienced by Stati Uniti d’Europa has brought the list dangerously close to the threshold.

On the other hand, Alliance Verdi-Sinistra has seen a significant leap forward following Ilaria Salis’ candidacy announcement.
Despite indications of growth for Michele Santoro’s list Pace Terra Dignità, it still remains distant from reaching the 4% threshold.

Carlo Calenda might breathe a sigh of relief, as Azione seems to hover just above the threshold, while Cateno De Luca’s Libertà has shown a positive trend in the survey.

However, the fate of Democrazia Sovrana e Popolare remains uncertain, with Marco Rizzo facing the challenge of gathering the necessary signatures to participate in the European elections, a hurdle currently shared with Michele Santoro.

The emergence of these new lists appears to have reduced the number of undecided voters or those who do not intend to vote.
Nevertheless, according to the survey, over a third of Italians seem prepared to abstain from voting on June 8 and 9.


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