Maturità 2024

Plato’s Version Translation, High School Classical Graduation Exam 2024 (Live)

Understanding the Second Attempt of the Classical High School Exam

The Ministry of Education has identified the main themes of the second attempt of the Classical High School exam, emphasizing a solid knowledge of the Greek and Latin languages.
These languages are seen as essential tools to understand antiquity and their reflections in the modern and contemporary world.
Furthermore, mastery of the analysis and interpretation tools of Greek and Latin texts is required, aimed at a correct understanding and consideration in a diachronic perspective, comparing subsequent epochs to the contemporary one.

The objectives of the second attempt, as established by the ministry, include a detailed and overall comprehension of the proposed text’s meaning through a coherent translation and the identification of the author’s message, thoughts, and even implicit point of view.
This encompasses aspects presupposed by the text that are part of the classical civilization heritage.

Moreover, the exam aims to verify the knowledge of the main morphosyntactic structures of the languages, through the identification and functional recognition of these structures.
It is crucial to understand the specific lexicon, recognizing lexical meanings present in the text and typical of the literary genre to which it belongs.

The ability to translate into Italian (or the language in which the teaching takes place) must be demonstrated, highlighting linguistic proficiency in the target language.
Lastly, providing correct and relevant answers to questions related to Latin and Greek texts is crucial.

These objectives aim to evaluate not only the translation ability but also a profound understanding of classical texts and the ability to analyze and interpret them in the historical and cultural context.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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