Maturità 2024

Maturity Exam 2024: Live Coverage of the First Test. Ungaretti and Pirandello Among the Authors

The Beginning of the 2024 Maturity Exam

Today marks the start of the 2024 Maturity Exam with the first Italian test, one of the most anticipated exams because the questions are the same for all students.
The selection of the questions is made by the Ministry of Education and Merit; the good news is that this year, as explained by Minister Valditara, they should not be particularly difficult.
On the contrary, they could be considered “interesting”.

Live Updates on the Italian Test

At this time, we at will be following live updates on the first day of the 2024 Maturity Exam, revealing the Italian test questions as soon as they are available.
In the meantime, we can provide you with a preview: as revealed by Minister Valditara, “today’s questions were chosen in March.” These words seem to exclude any events that have occurred subsequently.

Author Selections and Themes

In a few hours, we will discover the author (and the related passage) chosen for the text analysis.
Speculation is circulating on authors like D’Annunzio and Pirandello, although in recent years, less known authors have been selected by the Ministry.

Real-Time Updates on Question Selection

Recent updates reveal that the themes for the different question types in the 2024 Maturity Exam include authors like Rita Levi Montalcini and texts such as “Storia d’Europa” and “Profili, selfie e blog”.

Preparation and Delivery Details

With the exam starting at 8:30 and lasting 6 hours, students must keep in mind the delivery time, usually by 14:30.
Early delivery is possible after at least 3 hours, although it’s generally advised to take the time needed for a thorough examination of the questions.

What to Bring to the Exam

To face the exam with peace of mind, students must organize the necessary materials in advance.
The vital requirement is a valid identification document.
Dictionaries are not mandatory but recommended to enrich the text.
Allowed dictionaries include Italian language dictionaries and those of synonyms and antonyms.
Students should also bring pens, authorized watches, snacks, and water.
Mobile phones and smartwatches are prohibited, while sealed sheets will be provided by the Examination Board.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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