Marina Berlusconi

Silvio Berlusconi's legacy: how the assets were divided between his children

Silvio Berlusconi inheritance, how was his estate divided? After the death of the entrepreneur and founder of Forza Italia, his five children reached an agreement very quickly.
Silvio Berlusconi was one of the richest men in Italy and his death has sparked discussion about the legacy of the former Prime Minister, not only the economic one but also the political one.
They all know the heirs and they are the five children: Marina, Pier Silvio, Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi, in strict order of age.
From an economic point of view, an agreement was found for the division of his assets which included a bit of everything: from television to football, from publishing to real estate.
Berlusconi's was a real economic kingdom which has now ended up in the hands of his children.
But how? And what numbers are we talking about? Let's see how much Silvio Berlusconi's assets amounted to, how his inheritance was divided and what happened to Forza Italia, the political creature of the former prime minister.
read also How much did Silvio Berlusconi earn? Assets and income of the third richest man in Italy Silvio Berlusconi, assets and inheritance Berlusconi's assets: the Fininvest galaxy Berlusconi's children and inheritance The rest of Berlusconi's assets Berlusconi's political legacy: the future of Forza Italia Berlusconi's assets: the Fininvest galaxy According to Forbes magazine Silvio Berlusconi was the third richest man in Italy with a total wealth of 6.8 billion euros.
However, his life was not without scandals and judicial trials of various kinds, linked to his political and entrepreneurial career.
The company that belonged to Silvio Berlusconi that has the most activities is Fininvest.
La Repubblica has tried to evaluate the figures circulating around it, starting from the three important shareholdings in companies listed on the stock exchange, which are worth 2.8 million euros.
Among Berlusconi's main interests is Mediaset, which is expanding in Europe, as demonstrated by its headquarters in Amsterdam: it has acquired 29% of the German broadcaster ProSiebenSat and continues to focus on Mediaset Spain.
Then there is the 30% stake in Banca Mediolanum, an savings management company that has always been in the hands of Ennio Doris and now, with his death, by his son Massimo.
The Fininvest package is worth 1.8 billion, for a company that manages customer savings worth more than 103 billion.
Then there is Mondadori: today it has 50 publishing brands, including Einaudi and Rizzoli.
Its market value stands at 273 million euros.
In total we are talking about an estate of around 4 billion to be divided between the five children, not counting the value of the properties and works of art that belonged to Silvio Berlusconi.
Berlusconi's children and legacy Silvio Berlusconi had five children and all have a direct stake in Fininvest.
The largest share, over 61%, was in the hands of the former prime minister, who has 22 personal holdings.
Then there are three others that refer to their children: Marina and Pier Silvio each have 7.65% of Fininvest.
Then there are the three children he had with Veronica Lario: Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi.
Together they reach 21.42% of shares within the Fourteenth Holding, of which each holds a third of the capital.
Today Marina leads Fininvest and Mondadori, Pier Silvio Mediaset.
On 5 July 2023, Silvio Berlusconi's will was opened where the former prime minister indicated the methods for dividing his assets: there was certainly no shortage of surprises.
Silvio Berlusconi has decided to divide his assets like this: 52% to Marina and Pier Silvio – his first two children – and the remaining 48% to Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi.
Much has been discussed, however, about the 100 million bequests for Marta Fascina and Paolo Berlusconi, as well as the 30 million bequest in favor of Marcello Dell'Utri.
The five children will pay these bequests in a proportional manner: Marina and Pier Silvio will put in 59.8 million each, while each of Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi will shell out 36.8 million.
read also How much Marta Fascina, Silvio Berlusconi's girlfriend, earns: biography, age and assets The rest of Berlusconi's assets Berlusconi's assets also include other companies, such as the real estate Fininvest Real Estate & Services.
Which includes, for example, Villa Gernetto, where his team: Monza carries out its training camps.
Then there is also the Alba Servizi Aerotrasporti company, which has the fleet of corporate aircraft: a helicopter and three jets.
There are also other shares, such as 6.8% of Soldo (a company that deals with corporate payments) or 2% of Satispay.
There are also many real estate properties outside of Fininvest, such as for Idra real estate: these include, for example, Villa Certosa.
The value of the company is 426 million.
Already just by adding these items we are well over 3.5 billion euros in assets, but according to Forbes we are talking about a figure almost double that.
As regards the villas, the children are also reaching an agreement in this case.
As reported by Corriere della Sera Barbara Berlusconi purchased the Macherio villa for 25 million.
Villa Campari on Lake Maggiore instead would have been taken by Marina Berlusconi, while Villa Certosa in Sardinia would have been put up for sale.
Finally there is the historic residence of Arcore where Marta Fascina currently lives.
Berlusconi's political legacy: the future of Forza Italia It's not just the economic legacy.
Because the political one is equally important: what will be the future of Forza Italia? Who will lead the party after the death of its founder? The party thus decided to appoint Antonio Tajani, current Foreign Minister and now formally also leader of Forza Italia, as party secretary.
Just as Berlusconi's children divided their father's assets in an orderly manner, in the same way there were no particular upheavals regarding Forza Italia.
The Berlusconi family – especially economically – is always close to the party, with one of the former prime minister's sons taking the field which at the moment does not appear to be on the cards.
Furthermore, the results obtained by Forza Italia in the regional elections in Sardinia and Abruzzo were good, with the polls also seeming to predict a possible overtaking of the League in the European elections in June.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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