
BTP vs Renting: Which Investment Yields Higher Returns?


Btp or Renting: Which is the Better Investment?

When considering long-term financial decisions, the choice between investing in Btp (Buoni del Tesoro Poliennali) or putting a house up for rent can significantly impact financial stability and growth.

Btp offers stable, state-backed returns, yet recent interest rate cycles have begun to compress new emissions’ profitability.
Conversely, the real estate market has a history of generating attractive rental yields, particularly in high-demand areas.
However, risks associated with property management, maintenance costs, and market fluctuations can affect overall profitability.

Comparing Returns: Btp and Rentals

Returns from Btp

Btp has gained popularity among Italian investors, especially with rising interest rates since 2022.
While the European Central Bank’s policy may ease, Btp presents a range of opportunities based on risk tolerance and investment duration.

For instance, a 30-year Btp offers a net return of 4.38%, while a 50-year bond yields 4.17%.
Such returns appeal to long-term investors looking for stable income over time, alongside capital appreciation prospects.

Returns from Rentals

Real estate investments draw many due to perceived stability and the potential for property value appreciation.
According to Tecnocasa, investment-driven property transactions comprised 19.5% in the latter half of 2023.

Rental yields vary significantly across cities, with gross annual rental income ranging from 6.7% in Genoa and Palermo to 4.3% in Florence.
After applying a 21% flat tax, net returns drop accordingly.

Assessing the Better Investment

To evaluate the more favorable option, we can compare the net returns from each investment type.
Assuming a capital of €250,000, if invested in a Btp maturing in March 2072 at €61.65, one could acquire around 4,055 bonds, yielding an annual gross income of approximately €8,720.
However, after taxes, the net income is about €7,628, giving a net yield of 3%.

In contrast, investing the same amount in rental properties in high-yield areas like Genoa or Palermo could generate around €16,750 annually, which after tax deductions would still be considerably higher than the Btp’s net yield, alongside potential property appreciation.


Ultimately, while both Btp and rental properties have their benefits, potential returns from property investment might outweigh Btp in the long run, particularly when factoring in appreciation and rising rental markets.

However, each investor must align their choices with their risk profile, return expectations, and investment horizon.

For further insights, check the complete analysis on investmentinsights.com.


This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be the sole basis for investment decisions.
Readers should conduct thorough research and consider their financial circumstances before making investment choices.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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