
Living Standards in Italy: Where is €2,000 Salary Most Comfortable?

Best Cities to Live in Italy with a €2,000 Salary

When it comes to deciding where to live in Italy with a monthly salary of €2,000, the choice can greatly impact your quality of life.
This article delves into the Italian cities where you can live best with this amount, taking into account the cost of living, accessibility of services, and overall well-being of residents.
The goal is to provide a detailed guide to help you make an informed decision on where to settle.

Cost of Living in Major Italian Cities

An international study by, which examined the situation in 197 countries, found that the ideal amount of money for a satisfactory existence varies among countries with a quality of life similar to Italy.
On average, it is estimated that a single person needs around $95,000 a year (€88,000 at the exchange rate of May 2024) to achieve emotional well-being.
This translates to a gross monthly salary of just over €4,000, almost double the average salary in Italy.

According to an OECD study, the average gross salary in Italy is €35,561 per year, equivalent to around €2,963 gross and €2,122 net per month.
While this is generally seen as a decent income, it is 23.17% lower than the global OECD average.
In many Italian cities, this amount is barely enough to cover necessary expenses like rent or mortgage, bills, grocery shopping, and some recreational activities for a single person.

For families, a couple with two children requires a sum between €3,000 and €3,500 net per month.
This calculation takes into account various goods and services, including a separate bedroom for each child of different sexes over six years old and two weeks of annual holidays.

Monthly Average Cost of Living in Major Cities

– Milan: €2,074
– Rome: €1,697
– Florence: €1,619
– Bologna: €1,602
– Cagliari: €1,528
– Turin: €1,369
– Naples: €1,337
– Palermo: €1,150
– L’Aquila: €964


These studies provide a clear picture of how the cost of living and economic needs vary significantly based on geographical and social contexts.
Despite numerical differences, there is a general consensus on the importance of an adequate income to ensure not only survival but also a standard of living that allows full enjoyment of life’s opportunities and experiences.

Living with €2,000 in Milan and Rome

Milan, known as the country’s economic hub, is also one of the most expensive cities.
With a salary of €2,000, it is possible to live decently by adopting some saving strategies, such as sharing an apartment and cutting unnecessary expenses.
However, high rental and service costs can limit purchasing power.

Living in Rome with a €2,000 salary requires careful budget management.
Rents can be high, especially in the historic center, but the city offers numerous cultural and leisure opportunities for free or at low cost.
Here too, sharing an apartment can be a convenient solution.

Cities with Lower Cost of Living

Naples offers a significantly lower cost of living compared to Milan and Rome.
With €2,000 per month, it is possible to rent an apartment in central areas and cover all daily expenses.
Additionally, the cultural wealth and the beauty of the area make Naples an attractive choice.

Palermo, the Sicilian capital, is another city where you can live comfortably with a €2,000 salary.
Rents are relatively low, and the cost of consumer goods is among the most affordable in Italy.
The quality of life is high, thanks to the beauty of the sea and the richness of local cuisine.

Quality of Life: Services and Well-being

Bologna is known for its high quality of life, thanks to the presence of numerous services and infrastructures.
With a €2,000 salary, it is possible to live well, especially if you choose to live in the outskirts.
The city offers an excellent balance between the cost of living and accessibility to services.

Turin offers a great quality of life with a relatively moderate cost.
With €2,000 per month, you can find affordable housing and enjoy a wide range of cultural and social services.
The city is known for its historical heritage and vibrant cultural scene.

Other Considerations for Choosing the Right City

In addition to costs and services, there are other factors to consider when choosing where to live with a €2,000 salary.
Proximity to family and friends, job opportunities, air quality, and safety are important aspects to evaluate.
Furthermore, it is essential to consider personal preferences, such as a preference for urban or rural life, climate, and available recreational activities.

Choosing where to live in Italy with a €2,000 salary depends on many factors, including the cost of living, availability of services, and overall quality of life.
Milan and Rome offer great opportunities but at high costs, while cities like Naples, Palermo, Bologna, and Turin can provide a comfortable life with a more modest budget.
Carefully considering your priorities and needs is crucial to making the right choice.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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