
Understanding Reverse Tax Codes: What They Are and Their Purpose

What is Reverse Tax Code, How is it Calculated and What is it Used For?

The Reverse Tax Code calculation allows individuals to derive personal data: name, surname, birth place, and date of birth from a given 16-character tax code.
This may be particularly useful when one has the tax code of a person and needs to ascertain missing details like birth date or place.

The tax code uniquely identifies an individual, associating them with a specific 16-character alphanumeric sequence.
If you have this sequence, you can find out information like birth date, gender, and additional personal identifiers.

Understanding Reverse Tax Code

The tax code consists of 16 alphanumeric characters summarizing essential individual details: name, surname, gender, place, and date of birth.
While deriving gender, birth date, and place from this code is straightforward, extracting the individual’s name can prove challenging due to many variables.

For instance, multiple names might share the same code, as the first three consonants of both name and surname are used in the tax code.
Consequently, names like Rossini and Rossi may produce identical codes.

Uses of Reverse Tax Code Calculation

The reverse calculation is primarily used to verify the accuracy of a tax code provided for invoices or orders.
If discrepancies arise in provided data (e.g., incorrect birth date or location), it helps clarify those details.

With the increased use of electronic invoices, retrieving accurate client data linked to a generated invoice is essential for maintaining orderly financial records.

Calculating the Reverse Tax Code

To extract details from a tax code, individuals can either do it manually or use online tools.
The definite details available include: birth date, birth municipality, and gender.
Name and surname details, however, will remain uncertain.

The breakdown of a tax code is as follows: the first three characters indicate the surname’s consonants, the next three indicate the name’s consonants, followed by two digits for the birth year, a letter for the birth month, and two digits for the birth day (incremented by 40 for females).
The final characters are either the municipality code or a state code for foreign nationals.

Differences Between Italian and Foreign Tax Codes

Foreign tax codes follow a similar composition to Italian ones but replace the municipality identification with a state identifier.
The four characters representing the birthplace will contain a ‘Z’ followed by the country code.

How to Derive Birth Date from Reverse Tax Code

The birth date can be determined using characters 7 to 11.
For instance, the code ’85T29′ reveals a male born on December 29, 1985.
Each month corresponds to a letter, with January coded as ‘A’ and December as ‘T’.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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