ISEE 2024, benefits blocked, here's what's happening

The ISEE 2024 calculation is creating confusion among citizens and Caf operators.
What happens if the new regulations are not operational and consequently empty spaces are created without protections? This is happening with the ISEE 2024 calculation due to the failure of the INPS systems to update the rules regarding Government Bonds.
Here's what to do if the 2024 Isee model is to be presented from the first days of the year.
Isee 2024, is it necessary to indicate government bonds even if the budget law has excluded them? The 2024 Budget Law, in order to encourage the collection of liquidity through the placement of BTPs, has provided that these investments do not have to be declared in the ISEE 2024 form.
This regulatory change means, for those who decide to invest in this instrument , the reduction of the ISEE and consequently the possibility of obtaining greater social benefits.
We know that the ISEE value affects, among other things, the calculation of the Single Allowance, the main financial support tool for families with children up to 21 years of age.
The budget law provides that investments in Italian government bonds and other financial savings collection products with repayment obligations backed by a state guarantee for a maximum amount of up to 50,000 euros do not affect the determination of the 2024 ISEE.
It was a real incentive towards such investments.
Precisely in these days millions of Italians are struggling with the update of the 2024 ISEE model, the unpleasant surprise is given by the fact that the INPS systems have not been updated and consequently it is not possible to separate these investments from the ISEE.
The certificates processed at present still include BTPs in the calculation.
And it is not yet known if and when the update will be operational.
Currently there are no communications on this unfortunate problem from the Ministry of Labor and INPS and consequently it is not known when the problem will be resolved.
The issue was raised by the National Council of Cafs (Tax Assistance Centres) who presented a formal request for clarification to the INPS and the Ministry of Labor regarding the times in which the ISEE calculation systems of the INPS will be updated.
The Council also asked for information on the methods that will be used to ensure that the models presented in recent days are automatically updated with the new rules.
In the meantime, the Cafs have received instructions to continue to include the values of Government Bonds within the ISEE forms, which include the interest-bearing bonds held by those requesting the ISEE 2024 form.
Read also When to renew the ISEE 2024 , all deadlines for each bonus received.
What social benefits are at risk? The social benefits influenced by the ISEE calculation are numerous, not only the Single Allowance, but also the social bonus (allows you to save on electricity and gas utilities), inclusion allowance, nursery bonus, university tuition and all the bonuses that are based on this economic indicator.
Naturally, there is no shortage of criticism of the Government's choice to facilitate those who hold government bonds because those who cannot even afford to make such investments would be harmed.
In fact, it is not a way to help the poorest, but simply a way to have greater liquidity.


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