
Rome 2024 competition, the announcement is out (high school diploma is enough)

The Resources for Rome 2024 competition for the search for school cleaning and transport workers has been published.
The announcement provides the possibility of applying and participating in the selections even with only a middle school diploma.
The competition was organized by Diritti per Roma SpA, an in-house company of Roma Capitale which has been managing the Integrated School Service since 2024.
The competition aims to recruit new employees for the auxiliary services, cleaning and child care sectors.
school transport.
The selection procedure takes place through tests and qualifications, with the possibility of permanent employment for at least 200 people.
Furthermore, the ranking is expected to scroll for the next three years, based on needs.
Those interested in applying have until April 26th to submit their application via the dedicated "Risorse per Roma" platform.
Below is all the useful information about the competition.
read also How to work in public administration without a competition Rome 2024 competition: who are the figures to look for and the requirements to participate Resources per Roma SpA is looking for professional figures to be included in the schools of the capital.
The roles available and for which applications are open are related to permanent employment in lower secondary schools: auxiliary and cleaning in nursery schools, in Capitoline nursery schools, in bridge sections, in arts and trades schools and professional training centers; assistance with reserved school transport (non-disabled and disabled students and Roma Sinti and Camminati, of Capitoline and state nursery schools – primary and lower secondary schools and, for disabled pupils only, of secondary and upper secondary schools).
The requirements to be able to participate in the competition, in addition to the aforementioned requirement of having a middle school diploma, are the following: being of age but not exceeding that required by current regulations for the right to a pension; Italian citizenship or citizenship of a member state of the European Union with excellent knowledge of the Italian language, oral and written; psycho-physical suitability for employment, without limitations or requirements: the psycho-physical suitability declared when submitting the application of admission to the selective procedure will be subject to specific health checks prior to the stipulation of the individual employment contract and subsequent entry into service; enjoyment of the political and civil rights of the country of citizenship; not being excluded from the active political electorate of the country of citizenship; for candidates subject to compulsory military service, having completed or been exempted from compulsory military service; not having been the recipient of a dismissal order for just cause or poor performance or having been declared forfeited from public employment pursuant to the current provisions concerning the statute of civil state employees; not being in any of the situations of non-transferability and/or incompatibility provided for by Legislative Decree no.
39/2013 ("Provisions regarding the non-transferability and incompatibility of positions within the Public Administrations and private entities under public control, pursuant to article 1, paragraphs 49 and 50, of law 6 November 2012, n.
190") and be in possession of the honourability requirements referred to in art.
147 quinquies of Legislative Decree no.
58/1998 and the Directive of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of 24 June 2013; not having had criminal convictions or no proceedings pending penalties which prevent, pursuant to the current regulations in force, the establishment of an employment relationship with public administrations and not having been banned or subjected to measures which exclude the appointment to public jobs; not being subjected to prison or security measures probation.
read also Work with a salary of 3,850 euros (plus accommodation), here's where and who can apply How to send the application to participate in the competition? To complete the application you must be registered on the Resource per Rome website (https: // or click on “Register”.
Once logged in, you will be able to select the competition.
Simply fill out the form and enter the required documents to be able to send the participation application.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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