Illness, how much is due and for how many days

The employee absent from work due to illness retains the right to remuneration.
In detail, in the first three days the company takes care of the salary in case of illness, taking into account the percentage indicated in the collective labor agreement.
Then the INPS intervenes by providing the actual sickness benefit.
The important thing is that the state of illness has been ascertained by a doctor and certified in the appropriate certificate, which indicates the period and duration of the prognosis.
Furthermore, you must be available for medical check-ups arranged by the INPS.
It must be said that it does not cover the entire period of abstention: the INPS sickness benefit, in fact, has a limited duration, beyond which nothing is due.
Since this is an important aspect for the employee, it is a good idea to delve into every aspect of the sickness benefit paid by INPS, but advanced in the pay slip by the company.
In particular for the rules for calculating the amount as well as the duration and obligations of the employee.
INPS sickness benefit Who is entitled to it Amount Reduction of the amount Duration Duration and calculation of public employees Special cases Period of action Who is entitled to it The sickness benefit paid by the INPS is not entitled to all workers.
The sickness benefit recognized to workers when a medical event occurs which causes them to be temporarily unable to work is in fact aimed only at the following categories: workers in the industrial sector; workers and employees in the tertiary/service sector; agricultural workers; apprentices; unemployed; workers suspended from work; entertainment workers; maritime workers; workers registered with separate management (art.
2 paragraph 26 of law 335/95).
However, the following are excluded: -* family collaborators (housekeepers and carers); industrial employees; the managers; doormen.
Amount In general for private sector employees the allowance amounts to: -* 50% of the average daily wage from the 4th to the 20th day of absence due to illness; to 66.6% for the following days of the illness or in cases of relapse.
However, there are exceptions for some specific professions.
For example, employees of public establishments and pastry shops are entitled to 80% of their salary for the entire period of illness.
It is possible that the employer takes care of the residual allowance, so that during the illness you are entitled to an amount more or less similar to that of the normal salary.
It is the individual Ccnl that establishes to what extent the company must intervene to integrate the sickness benefit of its employees.
This, therefore, is what you need to consult to find out how much you are entitled to during the period of illness.
Reduction of the amount The compensation is not always 100%.
In fact, there are situations in which the amount is reduced.
In detail, we proceed with the following reductions: -* two fifths during periods of hospitalization if the subject has no dependent family members; two thirds in cases of unemployment or suspension from employment.
read also Salary: how much do I get during illness? Duration Sickness benefit in the case of private sector employees lasts for a maximum of 180 days in each calendar year for: -* permanent workers in industry; permanent agricultural workers; the apprentices; suspended workers.
The first three days of absence from the workplace are days of absence; these are therefore borne by the employer, to the extent provided for by the relevant collective agreement.
There are also special rules for the recognition of the allowance on the first day of illness.
Duration and calculation of public employees As regards public employees, there are different rules both for the duration and for the calculation of sickness benefit.
Public employees are paid sick leave not for 180 days, but for 18 months.
In the first 9 months of absence the worker is also entitled to 100% of the salary.
In the following three months, therefore from the 10th to the 12th, he is entitled to an allowance equal to 90% of his salary.
Finally, from the 13th to the 18th month, the allowance is lowered to 50% of the salary, while from the 18th month onwards no further remuneration is due.
Special cases With respect to the provision of sickness benefit we must distinguish special cases summarized in the following table.
Workers Sickness benefit Workers with fixed-term contracts Compensation for periods not exceeding the activity performed in the last year, with a maximum of 180 days per year.
The payment is interrupted in conjunction with the end of the employment relationship, but is still guaranteed up to 30 days of sickness even if the work was carried out for less than 30 days in the last year.
Fixed-term agricultural workers.
sickness benefit is granted provided that they are registered in the lists of names of agricultural workers for the previous year for at least 51 days or upon issuing the emergency registration certificate in the case of the first year of registration Vertical part-time workers The sickness benefit is guaranteed only for the days in which the work activity is expected to be carried out and not for those of "contractual break" Para-subordinate workers They are entitled to compensation in the event of hospitalisation, for a maximum of 180 days in the calendar year, and from 1 January 2007 to the daily sickness allowance, entirely paid by INPS.
Furthermore, many do not know that even those who take Naspi are entitled to sickness allowance.
The amount in this case is equal to two thirds of the percentage expected for employees.
Compensation period When talking about sick pay it is very common to come across the term “compensation period”.
This refers to the period within which the employee can be absent from work due to illness without risking losing their job.
Beyond the limits set for the period of employment, in fact, the employer has the right to dismiss the employee who is absent due to illness.
The duration of the employment period varies depending on the type of employment, as it is established by the relevant collective agreement.
It usually coincides with the maximum period that can be compensated by INPS, i.e.
180 days in the calendar year, but this is not always the case.
There are Ccnl, for example, in which the period of conduct is foreseen only in dry mode, therefore when the absence due to illness is uninterrupted.
In others, however, for the relevant period, a sum is made of the days of sick leave that the employee took advantage of during the calendar year.
In this case, all the morbid events that occurred in this period are taken into consideration, including the holidays included in the illness (with the exception of Sundays).
The behavioral period does not apply to medical events attributable to the behavior of the employer.
read also I get sick, what it is, how long it lasts and when the risk of dismissal is triggered


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