Middle East and Germany in chaos, privatization issue: Money.it week

A new week has passed and the news on Money.it focuses on the geopolitical situation with the tensions in the Middle East, interest rate policy with the new decisions of the ECB and the new season of privatizations in Italy.
Let's see together what the main news on Money.it was with the related links for further information.
This article is open to the participation of our readers, do you want to comment on our selection, report a topic you would have included or a particular piece of news? You can do it in the comments at the bottom of the article! The main news of the week 🇺🇦 Zelenski and Ukraine: An ambitious peace plan presented at the World Economic Forum.
Analysis of resistance and realism of the peace plan, political and strategic impacts.
Roberto Vavaldelli tells us about it.
🇷🇺 Russian economy at war: Transition towards a militarized economy.
Impacts of sanctions, economic resilience and future challenges.
Federico Giuliani's in-depth analysis.
🇺🇸 US political situation: Dynamics and influences of tycoons like Hoffman and Soros on the political landscape.
Trump supporters and opponents, with particular focus on his policies and impacts.
Learn more here.
🚢 Accidents in the Red Sea: Repercussions on international trade, shippers' strategies and future uncertainties.
🛢️ Oil market: Price volatility, future challenges for OPEC and influences of global factors on the price of oil.
🇩🇪 German context: The German political and economic situation is in transition, with significant challenges and the potential decline of Germany's influence.
🇩🇪 Situation in Germany: End of a thirty-year cycle and current challenges for the country's politics and economy.
📊 Decline in the polls: Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) gains support with the proposed referendum to leave the EU, while Ursula von der Leyen criticizes the idea by comparing it to Brexit.
🚫 Legal action against AfD: Attempts to ban AfD due to links to pro-Nazi circles, exploiting Article 21 of the German Constitution.
🏦 Privatizations in Greece: The Greek government expects to collect 5.77 billion euros from privatizations in 2024, including the possible future of Piraeus Bank.
💸 Argentine situation: The new president Milei faces a context of high inflation, growing poverty and pressure on the exchange rate.
🇨🇳 Exporting deflation from China: China is aiming for a growth model that could erode the industrial core of Europe, America and India.
🌞 Solar panel market: Chinese manufacturers double down on investments in the solar sector, creating potential bubbles and material pricing challenges.
🇹🇼 Taiwan Elections: Weak global demand and domestic investment influence the geopolitical environment, resulting in low GDP growth.
🇮🇳 India's growth: Modi could get a third term, with India growing rapidly and becoming a key player geopolitically.
🏦 ECB and interest rates: The ECB keeps rates unchanged, but a possible reduction is expected in 2024, despite the persistence of the inflationary legacy.
🇪🇺 Internal crisis at the ECB: Growing dissatisfaction with Christine Lagarde's leadership, as revealed by an internal union survey.
📉 ECB President: In the mid-term, over half of those interviewed (1159) rated Lagarde's performance as poor or very poor, a much higher rating than her predecessors Mario Draghi (less than 9%) and Trichet (14.5%).
🏦 Pensions in Italy: New reforms not necessary but "careful maintenance".
Pension spending for 2022-23 is at 16.2% of GDP, a peak of 17.3% is expected due to the retirement of the Baby Boomers, then a decline due to deaths and contribution calculation of new pensions.
In-depth analysis by Guido Salerno Aletta 🎓 Investments in the University: Italy is the country that spends the least in Europe on tertiary education (0.3% of GDP in 2021), well below the European average (0 ,8%).
Spending on primary and secondary schools is in line with the European average.
🏙️ Administrative capacity of the Municipalities: Verona, Brescia, and Parma among the most virtuous municipalities in terms of administrative capacity.
Naples, Salerno, Reggio Calabria and Turin among the last.
The average debt per resident in the major Italian municipalities is €17.27.
💼 Privatizations and Finance: Discussion on privatizations to reach the goal of 20 billion euros by 2026.
Focus on Raiway and other strategic companies.
Questions on the purposes of privatizations, between simple fundraising and broader strategic objectives.
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