
The 10 Least Commonly Used Words in Italian

The Beauty of Italian Language and 10 Obsolete Words

The Italian language, with its richness and complexity, is a precious heritage that reflects our history and culture.
Some words that were once an integral part of our vocabulary have now fallen into disuse, replaced by more modern expressions or simply forgotten.
Like any living language, Italian is constantly evolving, not only grammatically with recent debates about a more inclusive language and grammar but also lexically.

Think about all the loanwords from English that are now part of common language, as Claudio Giovanardi, member of the Accademia della Crusca and author of several linguistic works, pointed out.
While our vocabulary has enriched with English terms like “call,” “schedule,” “planner,” it has also become poorer in Italian words, risking their total loss.
Their disappearance would not only be a linguistic loss but also a sign of changes in our habits and daily communications.
Perhaps, we should consider using them daily, displaying a sophisticated language.

Rediscovering and valuing these words offers us a unique opportunity to explore the nuances of our language and reconnect with the past.
A linguistic journey that allows us to appreciate the beauty and variety of Italian while reflecting on how it continues to transform over time.
Here are 10 obsolete words:

10 Obsolete Words to Rediscover


Eristic, depicting someone polemic by nature, has recently regained attention in social media discussions about obsolete words.
It refers to the art of argumentation and disputing with words, as in “Debating with Marco is always complicated; his eristic attitude makes it difficult to reach a peaceful conclusion.”


A misoneist is someone who hates novelties and changes, preferring to live by their habits.
For example, “Giovanni is a true misoneist, rejecting any change in his work and daily life.”


A solipsist is self-centered and blinded by ego, adhering to the extremely individualistic philosophical doctrine of solipsism.
For instance, “His solipsistic view led him to isolate himself, thinking only of his well-being.”

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Author: Hermes A.I.

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