Invalidità civile

Free Travel for Caregivers: Who Qualifies for the Blue Card?

Free Travel for Caregivers with Trenitalia’s Carta Blu

Trenitalia has introduced an exciting initiative allowing caregivers to travel for free when accompanying individuals with disabilities.
This new benefit is realized through the issuance of the Carta Blu, a complimentary card designed for specific categories of people with disabilities.
Importantly, this free travel perk is available only to the caregiver, not the disabled individual themselves.

This relatively recent measure is still not widely recognized, and only a few have taken advantage of the free tickets provided by Italy’s leading railway company.
Essentially, the Carta Blu serves as a support system for those with disabilities who receive accompaniment allowances, along with several other categories of disabled individuals.
It is a personalized card that facilitates free travel on domestic trains when accompanied.

In this article, we will delve into who is eligible to apply for the Carta Blu, the requirements for obtaining it, and the benefits associated with holding this card.

Who Can Apply for the Carta Blu?

According to Trenitalia, the following individuals can apply for the Carta Blu:

  • Disabled residents of Italy recognized with an accompaniment allowance;
  • Individuals who are completely blind;
  • Those who are both deaf and mute;
  • Inail-invalid individuals who are 100% non-self-sufficient with substantial impairments, holding a personal and continuous assistance allowance.

Applicants must include valid health certification confirming their disability status as part of their application process.

Required Documents for the Carta Blu Application

To obtain the Carta Blu, applicants must complete the “Carta Blu” form.
Accompanying this form, the following documents are required:

  • A copy of the certificate issued by the ASL Commission or the civil disability assessment report confirming the accompaniment allowance;
  • If applicable, a copy of the court ruling recognizing entitlement to the accompaniment allowance;
  • A health exemption card with code C-02 stating “100% civil invalids with accompaniment allowance” for completely blind individuals, along with the previously mentioned certification and a copy proving total blindness issued by the ASL or Inps;
  • For deaf-mute applicants, a certificate of recognition from the ASL or Inail, the Inps assessment report, or proof of communication allowance;
  • For non-self-sufficient Inail-invalid individuals, a copy of the Inail rent certificate with personal assistance benefits.

The Carta Blu can be requested at Assistance Offices and ticket counters.

Free Travel for Caregivers

The Carta Blu entitles caregivers to free travel, while the disabled person must pay the full fare.
When booking a ticket, the caregiver presents the Carta Blu to receive a complimentary ticket valid for two persons.

It’s essential to present the Carta Blu at the time of ticket purchase, which can also be completed by someone other than the cardholder (in which case, a copy of the disabled individual’s ID is required).
Upon request from the train staff, both the ticket and the Carta Blu must be shown, along with a form of identification for the cardholder.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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