100% disability, what is your entitlement to? Guide for benefits and protections

The higher the percentage of disability, the greater the protection that the State recognizes to the citizen, in particular with regards to bonuses and benefits.
The maximum degree of disability is that indicated with 100%, which refers to a person who manifests, due to a physical or mental impairment, a total inability to work.
Depending on the case, this percentage may or may not be subject to revision (for example for people with oncological disabilities): in the latter case, at the deadline indicated in the INPS report, it will be necessary to undergo a check-up again which can confirm total disability or revise the percentage downwards.
Usually for total incapacity the term "disabled with total and permanent inability to work (articles 2 and 12, Law 118/1971)" is used, or the term which adds the inability to walk without the permanent help of a companion.
This last clarification is important since only in the last case does the accompanying allowance also appear among the benefits and bonuses due.
In this regard, here are the rights and benefits for individuals with 100% recognized civil disability, as well as the requirements necessary to access them.
100% disability Benefits for those with 100% disability Disability pension Accompanying allowance Widow's allowance What is a 100% disabled person who is not yet of age entitled to? Benefits for those with 100% disability As already mentioned, the benefits linked to civil disability depend on the percentage of disability recognized to those who request it.
In the case of total civil disability, recognized at 100%, you will be able to benefit from the following benefits: right to tax breaks, for example for the purchase of cars or technical and IT aids, such as smartphones, useful for promoting autonomy of the disabled person; tax breaks for expenses incurred for carers and housekeepers, as well as for expenses incurred for specific assistance provided by medical and healthcare personnel; the provision of prostheses, orthoses and aids related to the type of impairment ascertained by the National Health Service; health copay exemption; other benefits recognized pursuant to law no.
104 of 1992; choice of place of work, and possibility of refusing a transfer, for the employee who assists a person with a serious disability; possibility of obtaining the permit to park in the special spaces reserved for "disabled people with actual impaired or significantly reduced walking ability".
read also Benefits Law 104, what you are entitled to and when.
The guide updated for 2023 In addition to these benefits, moreover, those who are 100% disabled will also be able to request the disability pension, which can be of a social security or welfare type, which – in the presence of certain conditions – is accompanied by the allowance accompaniment allowance, an allowance that is given to those who have difficulty carrying out the daily tasks of life or to those who cannot walk without the help of another person.
The disability pension There are two types of disability pension: social security and welfare, also known as civil disability pension.
Both are recognized to 100% disabled civilians aged between 18 and 67 (retirement age for 2024), however while the social security one is exclusively for the generality of workers registered with one of the compulsory INPS insurances, the welfare one is aimed at citizens who are in financial difficulty.
In detail, for the latter – for which the benefit has an amount of 333.33 euros and is recognized for 13 months – a certain income limit must be met which for 2024 is equal to 19,461.12 euros.
For 100% disabled civilians, however, there is the possibility of increasing the amount of the relevant pension thanks to the social increase known as the increase to one million.
If for the civil disability pension no minimum contribution is required, for the social security disability pension, however, it is necessary that the worker registered with an INPS compulsory fund has accrued at least 5 years of insurance and social security seniority, 3 of which accrued in the 5 years prior to the pension application.
In this case, the same methods used for the old-age pension allowance apply to calculate the amount; the amount, therefore, depends on the basis of the contributions actually paid.
read also Pension calculation: formulas, amounts and simplified guide Accompanying allowance Anyone who is recognized as 100% civilly disabled can also be granted another type of welfare benefit.
In the event of difficulty carrying out the daily tasks of life and if one is unable to walk without the help of another person, the accompanying allowance may be requested and recognized.
This status, however, must be expressly indicated in the specific disability report.
The accompanying allowance consists of the provision of an allowance equal to 531.76 euros per month (for 12 months), and is not dependent on the economic situation of the applicant.
Widow's allowance If the surviving spouse who receives the widow's pension is at the same time unable to work, he or she may be entitled to family allowances for himself or herself.
In this case we are talking about widowhood allowance, the updated amount of which for 2024 is equal to: 52.91 euros with income not exceeding 31,569.47 euros; 19.59 euros with income between 31,569.47 and 35,413.24 euros.
read also Reversibility pensions, when the widow's allowance is due and amounts for 2024 What is a 100% disabled person who is not yet an adult entitled to? It is good to make a distinction between those under 18 and over 67 and those who are of working age.
In detail, while for the latter, in order to be recognized as 100% disabled, it is actually necessary to demonstrate the total inability to work, in the case of the under 18s and the over 67s it is sufficient to ascertain a total difficulty in walking such as to make continuous assistance, to trigger the right to concessions and benefits for the 100% disabled person.
For these two categories, in fact, it is impossible to presume and demonstrate the total loss of working capacity (given their age).
In this case, minors are entitled to the attendance allowance.
Minors who present persistent difficulties in carrying out the tasks and functions of their age are entitled to it and its provision is linked to continuous or even periodic attendance of an educational institution (of every order and level, including private), of a training or professional training center or, finally, a center specialized in therapeutic treatment or rehabilitation and recovery of disabled people.
The income limit to be entitled to it in 2024 is equal to 5,725.46 euros: the amount of the benefit is 531.76 euros, but unlike the civil disability pension for adults it is only due for 12 months.


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