Ticket exemption for disability, how to request the card?

The ticket exemption is also available to disabled people who can request a special card.
The validity can be unlimited, 10 years or reviewable based on the report of recognition of the disabling pathology.
With the recognition of exemption from copays, disabled people can benefit from some (or all, depending on the case) specialist outpatient services recognized by the national health service free of charge.
To request the exemption you must contact the local health authority of residence and only when you are in possession of a disability report ascertained by the medical commission of the same Local Health Authority.
read also Health ticket exemption 2024, all the cases in which you do not pay Recognition of ticket exemption for disability To recognize the exemption of the ticket for disability you must contact your local health authority of residence.
The disability's income does not contribute to the right, but only the disabling pathology.
The exemption entitles, in some cases, to all the benefits guaranteed by the NHS while in others only for those related to the disabling pathology.
Unlike what happens when requesting exemption based on income or age, the ticket exemption card issued due to disability requires different documentation.
It can be requested either by presenting yourself at the territorially competent office of the ASL, or by contacting the office of your health district of residence via email.
The request must be accompanied by the following documentation: identification document; Tax ID code; for those disabled due to service, the ministerial decree in certified copy; for war invalids the form 69 in certified copy; for civilian invalids, a certified copy of the disability report; for those injured at work the Inail certificate in a certified copy.
How much is the exemption from paying the ticket worth? The validity of the card has variable periods.
For 100% disabled civilians, the blind, the deaf and those with permanent disabilities that cannot be changed, the card has unlimited validity.
For civilian invalids with a percentage lower than 100% the validity is 10 years provided that the report does not require review; in the latter case it has the same validity as the recognition of civil disability subject to review.
Categories of disabled people who can request ticket exemption Each type of disability is recognized with a specific code and specifically: G01 War invalids belonging to categories 1st to 5th, holders of direct lifelong pensions and deported to extermination camps; L01 Severely disabled from work from 80% to 100% disability; L02 Work disabled people with reduction in working capacity > 2/3 from 67% to 79% disability; S01 Service-invalids belonging to the 1st category, entitled to a specific pension; S02 Invalids for service belonging to categories from 2nd to 5th; C01 Civil invalids with 100% disability without accompanying allowance; C02 Civil invalids with 100% disability with accompanying allowance; C03 Civil disabled people with a reduction in working capacity of more than 2/3 from 67% to 99% disability; C04 Disabled people < 18 years old with attendance allowance pursuant to art.
1 L.
289/90; C05 Absolutely blind or with residual vision of no more than 1/10 in both eyes recognized by the Civil Blind Invalids Commission; C06 Deaf-mute (those affected by deafness from birth or before learning the spoken language); V01 Victims of acts of terrorism and massacres and family members (L.
206/04) / victims of duty and surviving family members; Then there are disabled people for whom the ticket exemption is recognized only for specialist outpatient services that are related to the pathology that led to the recognition of the disability and they are: G02 Military war invalids belonging to categories from 6 to 8 °; L03 Work disabled people with reduction of working capacity up to 2/3 from 1% to 66% disability; L04 Injured at work or affected by occupational diseases; S03 Invalids for service belonging to the 6th to 8th category.


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