Teacher Substitutes 2024: Understanding the New Call for Applications


Introduction to the 2024/2025 School Year Changes

One of the significant changes for the upcoming 2024/2025 school year is the introduction of the call for temporary teaching positions, referred to as “interpello.” This system partially replaces the previous method known as “Messa a disposizione” (MAD), establishing a new framework for filling teaching vacancies.

How the Interpello Works for 2024 Temporary Teaching Positions

To grasp how the interpello functions, we must refer to the ministerial ordinance No.
88/2024, issued on May 16, 2024.
This ordinance regulates the temporary employment of teachers and outlines the procedures involved.

Annual posts until June 30 or August 31 and temporary positions until the end of the school year are primarily filled through Graduatorie a esaurimento (Gae).
When these lists are exhausted, the system will move to the Graduatorie provinciali per le supplenze (Gps).
If the Gps are also depleted, the next step involves the Graduatorie di istituto.

According to the ordinance, if the institutional lists are also exhausted, schools are required to publish specific announcements on their official websites.
Copies of these announcements must additionally be sent to the relevant educational office, which will publish them on its own site under a dedicated section.

Teachers without assignments from Gae or Gps are encouraged to respond to school announcements about vacancies.
To find out which schools are seeking temporary teachers via interpello, it is advisable to check the websites of the local educational offices where the teachers are interested in working.

The Role of Interpello in Teaching Assignments

The interpello is published on the respective school’s homepage, highlighting any available positions for specific subjects or support roles.
It will also appear on the provincial educational office’s page and be disseminated to other educational offices for broader visibility.

While the interpello system aims to replace the Messa a disposizione, teachers remain free to submit spontaneous applications.
In cases where interpello does not yield sufficient candidates, school leaders may still resort to the MAD.

Who Can Participate in the 2024 Interpello Process?

Every teacher is eligible to participate in the interpello process for temporary assignments in 2024, albeit with specific restrictions as outlined in the ministerial ordinance.
The system prioritizes:

  • Teachers with valid teaching credentials;
  • Teachers specialized in support roles;
  • Graduate teachers in related fields.

However, those already designated for fixed-term contracts and presumably those who have declined offers from Gps cannot partake in the interpello.



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