Irap 2024, deadline, approved models and news

With provision 68659/2024 the 2024 IRAP form was approved with the related instructions, here are the changes for 2024.
The first important change for 2024 is the advance of the deadline for submitting the form.
The 2024 Irap form must be presented by September 30th and no longer by November 30th.
Let's see the model with the related instructions for filling it out, what is the scope of application of the regional tax on productive activities and what other changes await us for 2024.
What is IRAP and why is it difficult to abolish it? IRAP is the regional tax on productive activities, it is one of the least loved taxes by taxpayers and for this reason there has been talk of its repeal several times.
The basis for the tax is the habitual exercise, in the territory of the regions, of an autonomously organized activity aimed at the production or exchange of goods or the provision of services.
Although the enabling law for tax reform provides for a rewriting of the rules, there is still no concrete news.
Only the directives that the Government will have to follow to reform IRAP are known.
The central issue that does not allow for a drastic abolition is the loss of revenue that would result, in fact the IRAP is aimed above all at the support of the National Health Service and, consequently, before moving on to a repeal for all, it is necessary find alternative funds.
Law 111/2023 «Delegation to the Government for Tax Reform» provides for the introduction of a surtax determined according to the same rules as IRES, without carrying forward losses in determining the tax base.
However, the legislation to be written has some limits to respect, in fact there must not be a decrease in tax revenue and it must guarantee the Regions a revenue equivalent to the current one.
Furthermore, the new rules must not lead to a greater tax burden on pensioners and employees.
Despite this, steps are being taken, in fact a partial abolition is already in force for certain individuals.
This is all part of the tax simplification program.
read also IRAP, will it be abolished in 2024 with the tax reform? Having said this, let's see what's new for 2024 and the templates to be used to present the 2024 Irap declaration.
2024 Irap declaration templates The “Irap 2024” form is made up of the frontispiece and the sections: IP: partnership; IC: joint-stock company; IE: non-commercial entities; IK: Administrations and Public Bodies; IR: breakdown of the tax base and tax and data regarding payment; IS: various elevations.
The form made available on the Revenue Agency website can be used to complete and send it.
The same can also be downloaded from other sites, but it is essential that it is compliant.
For convenience, the 2024 IRAP form approved with the Revenue Agency provision of 28 February can also be downloaded here.
The 2024 IRAP form must be transmitted electronically to the Revenue Agency, which will simultaneously send it to the regions and autonomous provinces in which the tax payer has his tax domicile.
The transmission takes place using the connection system between the tax registry and local authorities called "Siatel v2.0 PuntoFisco".
The IRAP taxable person can independently complete and send the 2024 IRAP declaration or through an intermediary.
For correct sending, it is a good idea to download the technical specifications approved by the Revenue Agency with the same provision with which the IRAP model was approved.
We have already indicated the date by which the 2024 IRAP form must be presented, i.e.
30 September.
For Ires entities and public administrations with a tax period that does not coincide with the calendar year, the deadline is different: the form must be submitted within the ninth month following the end of the tax period.
The amounts must be indicated in euro units, rounding the amount up if the decimal fraction is equal to or greater than 50 euro cents or rounding down if less than said limit.
As regards payments, the deadlines are: the first instalment, equal to 40 percent, within the same deadline for the payment of the tax for the balance of the period covered by this declaration (30 June).
The payment of the first installment is not due if the amount does not exceed 103 euros.
The payment of the first advance installment can in any case be made within the thirtieth day following the aforementioned terms with the increase of 0.40 percent as interest corresponding.
The second installment of the deposit, equal to the remaining 60 percent, by 2 December 2024 (deferred deadline because 30 November is a Saturday).
Balance on 30 June 2025.
Irap 2024 news: sports work and seasonal work In the Ira 2024 model there are also some important new features.
The first concerns sports work: the compensation paid to coordinated and continuous collaborators in the amateur area, within the threshold of 85,000 euros per year, does not contribute to the determination of the tax base for the 2023 tax year.
The tax exemption of compensation for work sports must be displayed in the IC panels, for joint-stock companies, and IE for non-commercial entities.
There is also news for the costs relating to seasonal workers.
In this case we have: deduction of the labor cost incurred by the employer at 70% (Line IS7); deduction of insurance contributions is due for the entire amount (Line IS1).
There are also changes for ISA subjects who have a high tax reliability score (at least 8), in this case the obligation to present the conformity visa for tax credits of up to 50,000 euros is excluded.
In the past the limit was 20,000 euros.
How is Irap 2024 calculated? IRAP is a direct tax whose tax base is represented by the value of the company's production.
Precisely the determination of the tax base has raised a lot of discontent as it also includes items that are not actually part of the assets, but are costs for the company.
For example, the following are part of the tax base: cost of employees, compensation for occasional and project collaborators, accrued credits, leasing interest, losses, provisions, write-downs in fixed assets, credits included in current assets, liquidity.
As reiterated, for 2024 it will be necessary to present the IRAP declaration by 30 September 2024.
The IRAP rate can be established by the regions using the national coordinates as a reference point.
The ordinary rate is 3.9%, the regions can increase or decrease this rate by 0.92%.
The regions have the right to apply different rates, always within the range seen, based on the type of activity carried out.
Furthermore, in application of article 5 of Legislative Decree 6 May 2011, n.
68, establishing fiscal federalism, ordinary statute regions can reset the rate and provide for further deductions from the taxable base in compliance with European Union legislation and the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
However, the need to ensure funding for healthcare remains.
Irap 2024, who are the excluded subjects and why? The taxpayers of IRAP were initially identified with the law establishing the tax, i.e.
with article 3 of legislative decree 446 of 1997.
An important innovation, however, comes with the 2022 budget law, in particular article 1 paragraphs 8 and 9.
These in fact provide for the exclusion among the taxable subjects of: natural persons carrying out commercial activities (therefore, individual businesses) operators of self-employed activities (freelance professionals).
Even before this important innovation, VAT holders with a flat-rate and advantageous regime were excluded from IRAP taxable subjects; we remind you that these pay a tax in lieu of the various generally applicable taxes.
The 2022 budget law, excluding the payment of IRAP for individual businesses and freelancers starting from the 2022 tax year, finds actual application starting from the 2023 declaration and naturally extends to 2024.
The year in which the regulations in force for the 2023 tax year.
The Revenue Agency, in providing clarifications regarding a taxpayer, reiterated precisely this principle, namely that from 2023 among the excluded subjects there are individual businesses and freelancers.
However, the other subjects, i.e.
companies and bodies that carry out commercial activities (third sector bodies), and associated professional firms, remain obliged to present the IRAP 2023 form.
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