Impianto fotovoltaico

Grants for Agricultural Businesses Investing in Solar Energy

New Grants for Agricultural Companies

A new initiative aimed at supporting the use of solar panels for energy production is offering grants to agricultural businesses.
The Agrisolare 2024 project, managed by the GSE (Energy Services Manager), provides non-repayable contributions for the implementation of photovoltaic systems.
In addition to funding the installation of solar panels, the program also covers the costs associated with asbestos removal and disposal.

Eligibility Criteria for Photovoltaic Grants

The Agrisolare 2024 grants are available to:

  • Agricultural entrepreneurs
  • Agro-industrial entrepreneurs (with specific Ateco codes for related activities)
  • Agricultural cooperatives and consortia primarily using members’ products
  • Companies in the sector

The grants are allocated as follows:

  • 80% for primary agricultural production businesses consuming the produced energy
  • 80% for agricultural product processing businesses, with no consumption constraints
  • 50% for primary agricultural production businesses selling the produced energy
  • 50% for businesses transforming agricultural products for non-agricultural purposes
  • 65% for agricultural businesses in Southern Italy with no consumption constraints

Primary production refers to cultivation activities, including businesses involved in both primary production and product transformation.

Eligible Expenses and Works

Grants can be used for the construction of new photovoltaic systems with a peak power between 6 kWp and 1000 kWp on agricultural, zootechnical, and agro-industrial building roofs.
Eligible expenses include:

  • Purchase and installation of photovoltaic modules, inverters, management software, additional system components, site preparation, and construction supervision
  • Development of energy storage systems
  • Supply and installation of necessary materials
  • Connection costs

Specific expenditure limits apply, with an additional allowance for storage systems and charging devices.

Asbestos Removal and Documentation

Grants also cover asbestos recovery and disposal costs, even if the removal occurs in areas not designated for solar panel installation.

Additionally, project documentation must be submitted within 18 months of the beneficiaries list publication, including a site description, cost estimate, activity schedule, technical specifications, and pre-work photographic documentation.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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