
The Reason Why You Should Roll a Water Bottle under the Hotel Bed

Travel Safely: Tips for Solo Travelers

Traveling, whether for work or pleasure, can be an exciting yet stressful experience, especially when it comes to safety.
Hotel rooms, while providing a temporary refuge away from home, can sometimes become a source of concern, particularly for solo travelers.

Esther Sturrus, a flight attendant for the Dutch airline KLM, recently shared a valuable tip that could be helpful for many travelers.
In a TikTok video, Esther suggested rolling a water bottle under the bed, and the reasons behind it are quite specific.
This trick has been highly appreciated by Esther’s followers, who have described it as “super useful” and “ingenious.”

Let’s explore why you should roll a water bottle under the bed in a hotel room and other safety tips for solo travelers.
Here’s everything you need to know.

Why Roll a Water Bottle Under the Bed?

The advice is based on a simple concept.
Hotel rooms can often be targeted by criminals and thieves who may break in to look for money or other valuables.
Esther’s tip for solo travelers is to roll a water bottle under the bed to ensure that nobody is hiding there and to check if the room has been properly cleaned.

The idea is that the bottle should come out on the other side without any obstacles.
If it stops or changes direction, it could be a sign that there is something under the bed, such as extra sheets.
While unlikely, simply checking could provide the peace of mind needed to sleep soundly.

The fear of intruders in hotel rooms, while rare, is a real concern for some travelers, especially in countries or areas where security is a major issue.
Having a quick method to check could make a hotel stay less stressful and more relaxing.

Other Safety Tips for Travelers

Esther’s advice on the water bottle trick is not the only safety tip she has shared on TikTok for travelers.
She also suggested using a hairdryer to defog a bathroom mirror without smudging it, making it easier for housekeeping staff, or flipping a cardboard cup to create a hygienic cover for a toothbrush.
These lighthearted tips show how small measures can make a difference in the travel experience.

Esther is not the only TikToker providing travel advice.
According to Leo Lenier, security is often overlooked by hoteliers themselves, demonstrating how hotel safes may not be as secure as perceived.
Many hotel safes have a default code that is often not changed, potentially making them accessible to anyone who knows the trick.
In such cases, it’s advisable to be cautious about what you leave in the hotel safe, opting to carry important documents with you and leaving only photocopies in the safe.
These small precautions can help maintain your safety and enjoy a peaceful vacation.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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