Israel: what the EU's 10-point peace plan provides to stop the war with Hamas

Israel-Hamas war, the EU is ready to take the field with a peace plan drawn up by the European Union External Action Service which will soon be presented by the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy , Josep Borrell.
This news was anticipated by the Euractive portal which previewed the document which will be divided into ten points elaborated to try to give a "credible and global solution" to this war that has been ongoing for three and a half months.
At the basis of this work is the belief on the part of Brussels that Israel and Hamas will not find a peace agreement without "active international participation", with the European Union ready to play a leading role in the attempt to stop this war which has already caused over 25,000 deaths, mostly women and children.
A decalogue which, however, will probably soon become waste paper, given that some points seem to go in a diametrically opposite direction compared to the recent statements released by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
read also Is it true that Italy is giving weapons to Israel? Israel-Hamas war: the EU peace plan To stop the war between Israel and Hamas, the EU has prepared a ten-point peace plan, a sort of road map which should lead first to peace in the Holy Land and then to the creation of a Palestinian state, normalizing relations between Israel and the Arab world so as to guarantee the Jewish state the desired security.
However, both peoples will have to demonstrate the will to reach a lasting peace, with the Palestinians having to find a political alternative to Hamas and the Israelis having to demonstrate that they have a real intention to reach an agreement.
For the EU to represent Palestine – the Gaza Strip and the West Bank – will have to be the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
The fulcrum of the European Union's peace plan is the creation of a peace conference which will also have to see the United States, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Arab League, the United Nations and of course also the EU at the table.
This conference will have one year to draw up a peace plan to then submit to Israel and Palestine, in the hope not only of stopping the war but also of giving lasting stability to the entire area.
Will the EU plan stop the war between Israel and Hamas? How much hope is there that the peace plan developed by the European Union can stop the war between Israel and Hamas? As things stand, these hopes appear to be practically nil.
The reason can be traced back to the desire of the text created by Brussels to achieve an independent Palestinian state, a hypothesis recently rejected several times by Benjamin Netanyahu despite the pressure in this regard from the United States.
In its plan, the EU would like "an independent Palestinian state that lives side by side with Israel, in peace and security, with full normalization and the substantial development of security and economic cooperation".
Netanyahu, however, in recent hours has reiterated that there will not be a Palestinian state as long as he is president because "it would represent an existential threat to the Jewish state".
Furthermore, the Palestinians do not seem to have confidence in both the PLO and the PNA, with recent polls showing how the outbreak of the war has caused an increase in support for Hamas, especially in the West Bank.
Despite the EU's good will, this peace plan will probably not be able to stop the war between Israel and Hamas which, on the contrary, could soon spread to a large part of the Middle East.


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